
N.29 – Published in 2012 – Edited by Stefania Marinelli – Cover “holy body” talks about the female existence which is in suspension between a state of holiness and physical presence, between creative forces and limits that are imposed by mandatory reverence payed to the function of reproduction. In a continuous and inexorable circle, the hourglass alternates and mixes life-giving body fluids that the female body secretes. The blood that oozes from the open wound of the vagina, opens, marks time and closes the period of fertility and the milk that arises after delivery, transforms the body into a source of life and nourishment Corposanto, Paola Zampa 2012. Graphic production, Fabio Bellia.

Research on the gender in the composition of a workshop of photography for schizophrenics, its role in the therapeutic efficiency

Women Victims of Trafficking: theoretical overview and exploratory study on the phenomenon. Attachment and emotional-relational functioning

The Love that moves the Sun and the other Stars (1) Short Presentation of the edition: “Although we are women” (2)