Entries by @dmin

Bion’s Journey Between Bodies to Minds

Abstract Bion developed many theories in his life, moving from one to another across a number of causurae.  Beginning with a psychological ideas arising during his medical training as a Doctor, and the influence of the surgeon Wilfred Trotter.  Then later influenced by the social approach of John Rickman to the psychology of groups, and […]

Memoir of the future and memoir of the numinous

Abstract Starting from the comparison between Jung’s Red Book and Bion’s Memoir of the future thrilogy, the author suggests hypotesis that similarly to what happens for the individual personality – where the eruption of underground experiences confronts us with the emergency of parts of the mind that have not fully come into being or have […]

Living in a world with or without memory of the future

Abstract The American architect Chipperfield, director of the 13th exhibition of architecture (Venice 2012), in order to correct the extravagant ruptures and homologations which infest contemporary architecture, proposed as “common ground” of the exhibition the triple dimension of continuity, context and memory, specifying that the future of every nation is in its memory, a concept […]

Current ideas of Bionian thought on thought

Abstract In this paper the model of “Motivational Darwinism” is discussed. Starting from Bion’s concept of protothought, the author elaborates upon possible relationships between emotional and symbolic representations that arise from experience. The psychoanalytical interpretation is presented as a vitalising summary of emotion and

Wilfred’s Razor. A reading of W.R. Bion’s A Memoir of the Future

Abstract The Author claims that Memoir of the Future is a text which develps with aesthetic and narrative methods the conceptual reform that had already out forward in Experience in groups and in Learning from Experience. The epistemological continuity between the Bionian texts is seen as a realization of the theoretical precautions and the methodological […]

The late Bion

Abstract In February 1968, aged over 70, Wilfred Bion moved to California and worked there for a decade, active until shortly before his death.  Only recently have we been able to know more about this period of his life that corresponds to a deep theoretical development that makes the theory and technique of psychoanalysis pivot […]

Group therapy in a mentally disabled population: from contraindication to specificity

Abstract It is impossible to speak about group therapy or group in the optic of mental disability without considering the therapeutic context into which these activities are inserted. The Geneva canton decided and this as far back as the seventies to dedicate a specific psychiatric care for the intellectually disabled, when needed. Parallel to this, […]

Medication group therapy for patients presenting intellectual disability associated with psychiatric comorbidity: our experience

Abstract The goal of this article is to describe the functioning of a medication group therapy in both ambulatory and intra hospital settings, geared towards intellectually disabled patients with psychiatric comorbidity. First, we will briefly describe the care facility in the psychiatry units of mental development (UPDM). Next, we will discuss the objectives and setting […]

The Cartallegra group

Abstract I would like to share with you what an experience of a group is. From the October 1999 up to the June 2001, I lived this experience together with all young people carrying a mental handicap. I wish all people like managers, families and friends who approached the mental handicap universe and/or will do […]

The presence of the adult in the groups of children and adolescents: the specificity and the differences

Abstract The relationship between adult and children or adolescents in therapeutic groups is the central theme of this paper which highlights the different modes of perception of the adult therapist by children or adolescents in the group. Several considerations about it are inspired by personal experience of participants in relation to children aged between 7 […]

The group session between adolescents and adults

Abstract The ways of relating within the group varies according to different factors such as age, culture, pathology. Several participants represent different groups and in particular what happens in adult groups compared with groups of children or adolescents. The same preparation, the group is evident and characterized in different ways depending on their age, needs […]

Adult therapist in the adolescents group

Abstract The therapist’s function in a group of adolescents can’t be kept out of consideration from one’s own mental disposition, experience, cultural references and from one’s own adolescence. The teen-agers themselves are able to recognize the leader’s psychological profile and to challenge the adult-therapist attacking his or her vul-nerability. Before discussing the subject, it is […]

Parents and therapists as co-authors of children’s mental health in the Gin-Gap groupal technique

Abstract For its members the family is a mixture of both health and illness and children are the carriers of this either at a manifest or at a latent level. In this paper we are going to resume one of the developments we had in the psychotherapeutic Gin-Gap method’s theory and technique. Method in which […]

The adult and transformations in the group with children: from chaos to the game

Abstract The paper discusses the specific elements of clinical work with children in groups: some of these elements are meeting with the chaos, with the primitive emotions and the bodily involvement. Go through and deal with the analytical model these elements is the genesis of any possibility of designing a game that can be shared […]

The adult and the therapist in an adolescents group: new object and transferential object

Abstract The psychology of groups and certain structural dynamic elements of their functioning are common to all groups. However, there are some variables that change according to the emotional needs and developmental tasks connected to the age of the individuals that comprise such groups. The basic feature that clearly distinguishes therapeutic groups for adults from […]

The therapist, an adult seeking his place in the group

Abstract This article describes the role of the therapist within groups of children, highlighting the natural tendency of recent research and aggregation of peer relationships. The creative potential that arises from this type of relationship proves a useful tool for growth and acquisition of skills management and troubleshooting tasks and in particular the peer group […]

Presentation, “Sensoriality, corporeity, and sexuality in the group”

All the articles in this issue are linked by the common vision of an holistic relationship between psyche and soma. According to this shared idea, as Corbella pointed out in her contribution, sensoriality is “defined both as an intrinsic quality of living things and as a subjective sensory experience. It is connected to both the […]

Dreamtelling as a request for containment – Three Uses of Dreams in Group Therapy

Abstract Dreams told in a therapeutic setting are challenging events from an experiential and technical perspective. Their contents seem fantastically rich for the one side, but often overwhelmingly chaotic in their implications for relations. Many clinicians lack know-how about how to use the informational and relational possibilities inherent in the complicated act of telling the […]

Notes on sensoriality, corporeity and sexuality in the group

Abstract Sensoriality, body and sexuality within the group process were introduced by Carl Gustav Jung’s theory of the soma-psyche unit. Jung. Also through some examples coming from the author’s own experience with therapeutic groups, we will deal with the role played by the senses and by non-verbal communication within the group dynamics. The body is […]

The group: a privileged mirror for the person

Abstract Following a brief account of the psyche-soma relationship in the West, the relation between Love and Eros in the male/female relationship is analyzed, through to the moment of procreation. How seeking a child, pregnancy and childbirth have complex consequences today is underlined, there being problematic repercussions for the couple that are different from those […]

«Precious pregnancy»: The bodily and emotional perceptions of pregnant women through a qualitative study of their drawings

Abstract In this work a clinical experience using the drawings on the bodily and emotional perceptions during pregnancy is presented. These drawings have been produced by pregnant women attending the Preparation to Birth Courses in a Family Planning Service of Rome. Starting from a screening of over 200 drawings collected during two years, a qualitative […]

A home for the dragon

Abstract Di Giovanni has called the minimal playing unit “ludeme” (2005). The agglomerates of “ludemes” give life to the scenic thinking by going through the playing body. When Anna Baruzzi (1979) spoke of therapeutic groups with children (developmental age), she described working with emotions as “giving a home to the dragon”. One of the functions of the […]