Entries by @dmin

The body creates the head: sensations inventions and affective transformations in gruoups of children

Abstract The body with its resources of sensoriality, expressions and gestures is at the centre of the scene in children’s groups, the heart of the action, imagination, invention and exchange. An individual and collective process of ongoing creation and redefinition of relations between the body, the mind and the external world is initiated around this […]

Adolescent mind and neurosciences

Abstract Adolescent Mind Transformation and Neurosciences. We have lately been observing a great development both in neurophysiologic and in neuropsychological research aiming to explain and integrate, on  behalf of some scientists, how scientific breakthroughs may be of utility  in confirming the basics of the psychoanalytic theory. Neurosciences have lately been defining the structure and functions […]

Body and images of the body in a group of adolescents in an educational context

Abstract The author aims to demonstrate how adolescent corporeity manifests itself within group discussion in school contexts. To be precise, the groups were formed of female members only and presented intense relationships between equals and the peculiarity of the evolutional phase of the those taking part in the group activate complex and articulate transference and counter-transference […]

The body in the group: its presence and absence

Abstract Working with adolescents, and specifically with those affected by an eating disorder, makes many apparent contradictions come out. In this paper we focalized on the body which, in apparent contradiction, can hinder and become an obstacle to the expression of the real self, while continuing literally to provide the measure of the self at […]

The lounge of restless. The experience of UNITRE in Vico Equense (Naples)

Abstract A psychotherapist has been leading an open group for seven years. It lasts one hour monthly and it is composed of elderly men and women. This initiative is part of UNITRE local programme: a cultural association placed in a lot of Italian towns. It starts its work as a discussion group about preordained subjects or […]

Experience made concrete: the body-mind relationship and possible transformational processes in Group Therapy

Abstract This paper considers those particular pathologies in which the body is thought of as “a psychic object par excellence”, or rather, as the only psychic object that is the locus where the subject’s unity is recognized. I am referring to patients who are unable, for various reasons, to mentalize and transform perceptive and sensorial […]

Corporeity in psychotic communication: an institutional experience of group phsycoanalitical therapy

Abstract This work is a clinic contribution on corporeity in a psychotic communication into an institutional experience of psychoanalitic group of psychotherapy in a Residential therapeutic Community of a mental health department. Ethimologically “to communicate” means create a relationship, to get on well. So the body into a group structures a hard power of communication, […]

“Is there the group?” About “complex” patients in the analytical experience

Abstract The excessive rigidity of fondness (narcissism) and the absence of a thought ‘as if’ (capacity of symbolization) in psychotic patients, make it difficult for the analyst to build a therapeutic alliance and a relationship of transfert. In the early stages of the group, the sensoriality and the corporality, present in the field of group, […]

Empathy and intersubjectivity in group psychotherapy. Pain sharing and mirror neurons.

Abstract The author’s main hypothesis is that intersubjectivity is at the base of the establishment and preservation of the small therapy group, which is also the place where intersubjectivity disorders can appear and be properly dealt with. What is favoured, is a prelogical and automatic conception of intersubjectivity, in continuation with the theory of mirror […]

Body-playing: sensory and bodily experience with training groups

Abstract In this article we’ll explore the sensory and body dimension in group process activated in training. With this contribution, we offer our reflections born within psycho- bodily sessions that we conducted as part of a wider educational project, divided into several groupal stages. In particular, our attention has been activated by the observation of how, […]

The encounter with the other in the couple relationship: the area of mutuality

Abstract The thesis we have followed in this paper intends to highlight the features of the “couple” as one of the privileged places from which to look at the modes the partners use, following frequent unconscious regulation processes, to give rise to a third dimension, a field, their very relation that in its being a […]

Folkloristic Methods in Dreams Interpretation

Abstract The current paper deals with the affinity between dreams and fairy tales by using methods taken from the folk literature discipline. In the search to define common meeting points between literature and psychoanalysis, the most popular tendency has been towards psychological interpretation of literary genres. The current paper describes the opposite process, in which […]

Fantasies, myths and dreams as witnesses of family psychic groupality

Abstract “Fantasies, myths and dreams as witnesses of family psychic groupality”. The author presents how fantasies, myths and dreams are psychic formations which belong to the individual unconscious as well as to the family psychic groupality, particularly because of their universality and reference to origins. They work as family organisers, which circulate through the family […]

The Interpersonal Unconscious

Abstract This article makes the case that the unconscious is not the sole property of the individual. It is based in interpersonal influences and interaction. Each person’s unconscious is jointly constructed from the individual mind and intimate interaction with others as well as the more distant but constant interaction with the social world and the […]

A hypothesis for a third topic regarding intersubjectivity and the subject in a common, shared psychic space

Abstract The question of a third topic was one of the main themes debated in the recent Congress of Psychoanalysts of the francophone countries. The principal debate centred on the relationships between the configuration of the internal world of a subject and the relationships dealing with its “first others”, namely the parents and the family. […]

The place of the Unconscious is not only the individual mind: comparison beetween models

The relation between the configuration of the internal world and the individual’s interpersonal relations has been widely debated in the psychoanalytical world. This debate made it possible to open clinical work to new areas of intervention, where the object is no longer only the single individual, but his relations with a parent – in child […]

Introduction, Thinkable and unthinkable in some Bion’s concepts

At the 20th International Conference on Psychoanalysis, held in Paris in 1957, Wilfred Bion presented his work On Arrogance.  Francesco Corrao, who was present, defined him as the new genius of psychoanalytic theory.  Later, during a series of seminars Bion gave in Rome he pointed out that Bion always felt the fundamental priority of psychoanalysis […]

Bion’s work presented: A memoir of the future, some thoughts on its oblivion and dawn.

Abstract Trilogy “A Memory of the Future” includes a schematic but dense summary of the theoretical contributions of Bion made to the development of psychoanalysis as well as Meg said Williams, a contribution for all of humanity. In the trilogy, in an original way, in a scene alive and fresh in a long day are […]

Bion’s concept of time

Abstract The use of particular mental time by Bion allows to arrive to being in “0”, the psychic reality, which is the most possible “to – sensory”. Let us examine the proposed Bion of a “scientific psychoanalysis”, where the scientific is the “act of faith”, that is a disciplined denial of memory and desire, both […]

Bion and beyond: projective identification and material imperviousness

Abstract The Kleinian concept of projective identification is often invoked to explain non-verbal processes in the analytic situation and other close relationships and in this paper I examine some of the clinical material that led Bion to revise Klein’s original formulation. Approaching the concept from a Winnicottian perspective, I suggest that the process is less […]

Bion in the nursery. The Three steps of an intersubjective theory

Abstract The author analyses Bion’s works evolution in regard to the relation between intersubjectivity and symbolization. Three books mark this evolution: Experiences in groups, Learning from experience and Attention and Interpretation. Firstly intersubjectivity is the field of symbolisation, secondly the condition of it and thirdly the cause of it, they are both so closed that […]

The grid of psychoanalytic elements and myth as a model of analytic experience

Abstract In order to allow the base of scientific psychoanalytic theory and the thoughts of the analyst to correspond, Bion proposes the Grid of psychoanaltical elements as a useful tool to represent the positions that the mind of the analyst may adopt during the analysis session, to predispose himself to listening and shared knowledge. The Grid […]

Truth as a therapeutic factor

Abstract Truth – according to Bion – has a performative character; it can bring about transformations. Analysis is a “veridical process” that helps the patient become himself. In order for this transformation to positively occur, the search for truth must be tempered and guided by empathy. The therapist takes part in the veridical

‘Open People’, ‘Homo Clausus’ and the ‘5th Basic Assumption’: Bridging Concepts between Foulkes’s and Bion’s Traditions

Abstract In this article I tried to bridge the split between the Foulkesian and the Bionian traditions, hence overcoming the outworn dispute between these two theories and practices. The main hypothesis in this article is that W.R. Bion and S.H. Foulkes tried to achieve the same goal, albeit coming from a different, yet complementary, direction. […]

Homogeneity of the protomind

Abstract Considering the homogeneous nature of the group (traumatised war veterans at Northfield hospital) that first led Bion to study the group function and the contribution of the social and primitive mind to cognitive processes and psychic evolution, the contribution first examines the etymological and historic notion of homogeneity, going on to compare it with […]