Entries by @dmin

The mystic’s and the psychanalyst’s experience under Bion’s vertex

Abstract The author’s proposal in this work is to explore the assertion that some mental conditions that permit the access to a mystic experience may be part of psychoanalytical practice. This approximation offers the psychoanalyst the possibility of using elements of some mystics’ discipline to think about the experience of the session, without leveling both […]

Bion the mystic

Abstract In order to adequately understand the Bion’s mysticism we need to take in account the “catastrophic event” he meet in his life; as a matter of fact, until the half of the ’70 Bion wrote amply and skilfully about general psychoanalysis, in a frame of reference that could be sed “aristotelic-kantian”, and for the […]


Abstract The author considers that prejudice is the method of survival and protection of the mind due to the impossibility of development of tolerance and contact with one’s own emotional experiences. Without. Intimate contact with his emotions, the. Individual cannot attribute meanings to his experiences and has to resort to and count on rigid systems […]

Psychoanalysis and Aesthetics: Re-signifying psychotic conflicts and creative reciprocity

Abstract Inspiration sources that inhabit the universes of Aesthetics and Psychoanalysis are used to construct mental models viewing to approach emotional conflicts linked to psychotic levels. The clinical presentation is made through emotional photograms. Movements of the analytical couple are studied related to the function for re-signifying psychotic blockages and so to restate the analytical […]

Psycoanalytic Groups and Musical Groups: an Investigation on the Possible Commmon Prospects

Abstract This paper would like to bridge two realities, music and group psychoanalysis and investigate some of the dynamics that occur in groups of musicians, with the purpose of analyzing them, having as reference schools of thought that studied group psychoanalysis. Key-words are groupal associative chains related with the free improvisations in the jam sessions, […]

Presentation, Disease and the Group

I have the pleasure of presenting NO 18 of Funzione Gamma: “Disease and the Group”. On the whole, the different contributions in this number have the aim of exploring the notion of disease and pointing out how such a notion acquires a greater complexity, and is enriched conjunctively with further keys to the reading and […]

The conception of Disease: historical, anthropological and clinical observations

Abstract The authors present a dialogue aimed at illuminating the concept of disease, within a complex and multidisciplinary. Following a historical development of the concept, are first identified the elements of the value of Hippocratic medicine, and then articulate the notion with the developments that it has received as part of psychoanalysis and group psychoanalysis. […]

Disorders heal each other in Group Analysis – a relation pathology perspective

Abstract In this article, the author discusses the concept of pathology in its relational aspects, and the ability to obtain a therapeutic effect by group analysis, which takes into account both intrapsychic experiences, both interpersonal attitudes. The novelty consists in considering the relational disorders according to a broader view, considering the effectiveness of the therapeutic […]

The group in a Mental Health Ward on listening to the suffering of the Self

Abstract The authors of this paper emphasize the importance of group psychotherapy has in recent years in the Mental Health Centers. The individual psychotherapeutic work, was considered more profitable, while contact with the group was considered as a source of disturbance and threat to the individual. In time and ‘happened to the group process enhancement. […]

The specificities of the analytical setting in institutional situations

Abstract In this article, the author explores the dynamics that develop in an analytic setting within an institution, which becomes the container of multiple psychic functions, and in turn interferes with the structural and symbolic dimensions of the setting. In the institutional context, the different, and the gratuitousness of the setting, make the complex job […]

Communication in surgical theatre An innovation at “Agostino Gemelli”

Abtract A new experience since 2004, sees these trainees in the surgical area of the Psychologists’ University Hospital Agostino Gemelli in Rome, called in  Surgical Theatre. The service, made the start on the initiative of Pietro Bria, Analyst S.P.I. and  Primary  Institute of Psychiatry, as a journey with very few methodological details, but rich in […]

Balint groups: place and space of knowledge of the sickness as experienced in the operator-patient relationship

Abstract This article contains insights and considerations by the author on Balint groups, and especially on the therapeutic relationship between the operator and patient. In the group, the doctor uses himself as a “drug” and while the speaker speaks of a clinical case experience, relives this story in the hic et nunc . The group leader and therefore observe the countertransference of the speakerand therefore the group 

Illness and cure. Ritual contexts of sharing

Abstract The disease event, in this article, is examined both from an individual perspective, and socially. Thus, in Western society, the parameters of individual psychology are rethought in group psychotherapy, in a manner such as to create conditions to facilitate the sharing of suffering and disease.In different contexts, rituals, suffering, disease, and the states of […]

The use of the therapeutic group in the cure of serious organic illnesses

Abstract The article describes the author’s experience with cancer patients. The therapeutic institution as well as offering space and hospitality, from ‘the opportunity to rethink your situation not only in organic terms, but also psychological. In the paths of these groups shows a thought linked to the disease, linked to the vicissitudes of life, where […]

Introduction, Narcissism and group

Sigmund Freud, in “Totem and Taboo” (1912-13) and in “ Psychology of the masses and Ego analysis” (1921) provided us with ideas in order to approach the complex theme of relationships between narcissism and group. It is known as Freud made use of Darwin’s hypothesis about the origins of human society, so he described a […]

The Unconscious and Narcissism in Subjects Who Have Ties

Abstract The author points out that psychoanalytic work in group discussions and requires special skills. Starting from the Freudian metapsychology and examining the theories of Bleger, he examines in particular the model of the double limit of Green, developed by Freud’s first topography, distinguishes between inside and outside, between the conscious and unconscious.

Individual and group elements in the individuation process

Abstract The author describes the phenomena related to the proliferation of new ideas and theories in psychoanalysis. Conservation and innovation, loyalty ‘and rupture have characterized the development of psychoanalysis from Freud to the new currents of thought, after the Second World War. From Freud’s concept of archeology of the mind to thoughts and theories more […]

Primary narcissism and the group

Abstract Beginning with the question : how it turns to become the imaginary “group” unit? the author compares and brings into discussion some postulations derived by the same question in S. Freud, W. Bion, J. Bleger, D. Anzieu, A. Missenard, R. Kaes. She proposes that between narcissistic primary groupality – this means the psychological unit formed […]

“The Narcissistic Wound in Diabetes” Reflections on a Group Psychotherapy with a Psychoanalytical Approach with Children Suffering from Diabetes

Abstract The objective of this work group, played with children aged between eight and twelve years with diabetes, and ‘was one part to bring patients to the acceptance of the disease, and the other to help them break free attitude overprotective parents. In this sense, the psychoanalytic therapy helps to come out of isolation and […]

Editorial note, Reflections on the adolescent group with particular reference to trauma and accidents

The preparation of this issue proposed by Paola Carbone on trauma and accidents during adolescence has had a long period of incubation that created a network of exchanges. First of all it produced an unusual editorial event (what authors treat such a specific and dramatic theme?) Secondly, a network of research (clinicians, theorists, and students […]

Presentation, Reflections on the adolescent group with particular reference to trauma and accidents

The present issue deals with three closely connected arguments: adolescence, group and accidents. When adolescence from a latent quietude bursts onto the scene, it evokes metaphors that more often than not have to do with the negative effects of trauma. The transformations that come about in puberty brusquely invading the experience of the Self, are […]

The ordalic scene and the work of individuation/separation at adolescence

Abstract This research studies the impact of the ordeal scene (old eng: ordal judgement) as being a mode of symbolization, specifically primary symbolization. We questioned the function of going through the experience of flirting with danger and with death that older adolescents use. For this analysis, we built an analyzer named the contact ordal. It […]

Family and institutional care groups: resonances and transmission

Abstract Drawing on a clinical situation that brings together a family affected by adolescence and two institutions, the author considers the interaction between families and institutions and, more precisely, the psychic material brought into play following the cooperation set going in networking. Analysis of the clinical case makes it possible to consider whatever acts across […]

The pact on acceptable risk a psychodynamica model for road safety education with a group of adolescents

Abstract The author presents a specific training methodology for road safety education which he called “Pact for Acceptable Risk”. This method, in contrast with the traditional techniques of road safety education, involves a mutual commitment among the younger generation and the previous ones, and expects the acquisition of the meaning of the rule is linked […]

Adolescents in the Hospital:accidents and pre-traumatic psychological dynamics

Abstract Objective: To explore the psychological characteristics and relationship factors pertaining to adolescents admitted to surgical and orthopaedic hospital wards for accidents of various kinds, in order to increase knowledge of the dynamics which contribute to accident risk among adolescents. Method: A sample of 205 subjects (between 14 and 24 years of age) compared with […]

Silence in intensive therapy: from an experience of the senses to an experience that makes sense

Abstract A short-term homogeneous group of young patients who experienced cranial trauma and recovery in intensive therapy is presented. Once the somatic and sensory experiences triggered off by the trauma and its treatment were mobilized in a group experience, elaboration and transformation of unthinkable elements into emotional, recognisable and narratable elements

Suicidal splinters: breackup and recovery within the structure of experience in adolescent crises

Abstract This paper addresses problems related to the risk of suicide in adolescence which represents an extreme experience to recover psychological functions that precede emotional and experiential development. Therapeutic group work, the elective setting for these cases, fosters processes of identification and subsequent individual de-identification. Subjectivation is a painful pursuit for the adolescent, and it […]