Entries by @dmin

Presentation, Time and Narration

Time and Narration opens with an introductory essay by Antonino Ferro that reveals the complex semiotic substance of the theme, the range of research it has inspired and the significance of narration in the psychoanalytic framework. Ferro’s own highly articulated study on the narrative and transformational essence of the here-and-now of the analytic session has […]

Photolanguage with mentally handicapped adolescents

Abstract During my work with mentally handicapped adolescents (mild and moderate) in a centre for special education, I quickly felt the need to offer a support to the clinical relationship. These adolescents suffering (for most of them) from both intellectual and language deficiencies,  had no ressources to invest in a relationship of a clinical type […]

The emotional value of narrative and Infant Observation

Abstract Narration is defined between these two limits, historicizing and observation. Every narrative tends to be transformed into a history, every narrative is based on sensorial data and on the observation of others. Psychic temporality suitable for narration would not yet be that of historicizing, nor would it be the temporality of attention or observation. […]

Photolangage©. A play space for remobilizing the psyche

Abstract We are working as clinical psychologists in a long term care institution with physically and psychically dependent older patients, some of whom suffering from of Alzheimer or other types of dementia. For some of them, we have set up a therapeutical service to remobilize  psychical functioning, in order to stimulate their creative potential and […]

Sheherazade and Bluebeard

Abstract With the evocative  title of this paper “Sheherazade and Bluebeard” a well known tale that was written many years ago, I aim to portray how often during psychoanalytic sessions a patient will refer to literary texts, making quotations from stories and tales when he/she is unable to express his own fantasies and emotions. There […]

The experience of a group-tale

Abstract The experience of the group-tale is carried out in two elementary schools of the city of Lione in France. It is basically a participation modality inspired by Pierre Lafforgue’s methodology, but it’s model is based on the requirements of the two groups and the conductors’ experience. The objective of the groups-tale  is to help […]

Discovering the Inner World through Fairy-Tales

Abstract We present the clinical work, carried out by a team of therapists with autistic and psychotic children, within a Fairy-Tale Workshop. By becoming a container for projections, the fairy-tale, the mediating object of the group, helps provide a sense, a form to sensations-emotions that have not yet become thoughts, but which can later be […]

The Missing Boundary: a Report on “Photolangage” Experiences

Abstract Purpose of this article is to elaborate on the “Photolangage” psychotherapeutic group technique and to report the results obtained during a set of experiences made in National Sanitary Service Institutions. Before the actual analysis of these results it is necessary to introduce a series of general considerations about the institutional context, about the patients […]

The Photolangage method in a family mediators group

Abstract The present study deals with some reflections emerged from my experience of many years making use of the Photolangage in training groups for family mediators. The choice of this method in training courses makes reference to the theoretical model of crisis event interpretation elaborated by Kaës. This model constitutes the theoretical basis for both […]

Introduction, Group Psychoanalytic Psychodrama

How can Psychodrama provide a contribution to group psychotherapy? How is it possible to connect these two practices? My memories went back to the short experience of training with Jennie and Paul Lemoine and to my recent participation in the passionate “lectures/demonstrations”, given by Luisa Mele and Paola Cecchetti at “La Sapienza” University. Thereafter, the […]

Inextricable apeira

Abstract The article talks about the theory of psychodrama as it is actualized and played in the centre Apeiron. The importance to transmit this instrument of work to the generations of psychotherapists, is in the necessity of a permanent training, of Seminars, of Supervision, of Cartels, of the plan made by the school Sipsa- Coirag […]

Psychodrama and the Effects of Presence

Abstract In this article the psychodrama, presented from the experience of groups of adults that made psychotherapy, introduces to the field of “limit states”. The description of the group dimension shows the effects of presence as systems of tension-attention due to the presence of individuals and to the immediate bond that develops between them. It […]

The work of intersubjectivity in the elaboration of traumatic experience through psychodrama

Abstract In this article is described how the elaboration of a massive traumatic experience can find some support and resources in the psychoanalytic process of group’s psychodrama. The  characteristics of the groupal  psychoanalytic situation qualify for a psychic particular work whose modes, dynamics and economy profit by  the work of intersubjectivity, the groupal associative process, […]

Fate of transference in psychoanalytical psychodrama

Abstract This article talks about the specific fate of transference in the ways to work with psychoanalytical groups, using psychodrama with antisocial and borderline persons. The diffraction considered in the classic psychotherapy as a resistance, is presented as what sustains group associations, representing a primary factor of transformation and processing in psychodrama. The inversion container/content […]

A Teaching Experiment at the University of Rome: Theory, Method and Technique of Analytical Psychodrama

Abstract The article presents the experience of a teaching-encounter on psychodrama between two professorships of Sapienza- University of Rome, with the aim to introduce students enrolled at the fourth year of the Psychology’s Faculty to learn in the way to point on a creative research. Psychodrama is defined from the activation of a field in […]

To be and to have: to count

Abstract Using psychodrama with psychotics in Institutions that work on territory, makes a significant time of a journey into the group, where the psychotic “takes value” in presence. In this article the group of psychodrama is introduced as the instrument that authorizes each member of an institution to face up the complex realities

Dramatization and imagination in the “Squared Civitas” The psychosis is not an island

Abstract  The two papers we are going to present are focused on the theme of the image –particularly pictorial representation- in order to describe more efficiently experienced reality. The aim is to present the importance to conjugate our passion for psychodrama’s technique with the rigour of theoretical research that is necessary for our work’s development. […]

Presentation, Adult in the childs and adolescents group 2

The key feature in psychotherapeutic groups with children and adolescents is highlighted by François Sacco in the opening article to this second issue, that focuses once more on the presence of the adult in these groups, in short ‘the encounter between the adult and group participants who are going through the developmental process’. Sacco maintains […]