Entries by @dmin

From the top to words: conduction and transformation in a therapeutic group of children

Abstract In my experience with groups of children (beginning age 4-5 years old, children with an intellective level in the average and with development blocks more or less important: sometimes I also included a child with a psychotic personality structure) I noted that the conductors have different functions, according to the group’s different moments, functions […]

Reality and fiction for the therapeutic couple

Article already published in the Notebook n. 14 – July-December 2001 of the Institute of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy of Milan edited by the Pisa-Rome International Polygraphic Institutes Abstract The necessity to have a precise time and a limited place where the group processes could take place, is a fundamental requirement for the survival of […]

The adult therapist in health services: between parents and public institution

Abstract We could affirm that in the Institution’s base, that has mental health as an aim, in a paradoxical way we can find a primitive psychic functioning, thus infantile. This infantile position seems to constitute the link between the three original objects: Institution, therapist, parents. The three objects are linked by a common affiliation and […]

The therapist and the group of deviant adolescents

Abstract I chose to talk about a sexual crime because I think it’s particularly interesting following the working-through in the group of a crime against a person and not against property, that represents the most diffused kind of adolescent crimes. It is also interesting, for describing the therapist’s position difficulties, that she not only represents […]

By our selves or in pairs? Problems and resources of two different group conduction modalities

Abstract We shall conclude asserting that the comparison between mono-therapy and co-therapy has to be pursued according to the fact that they are to be considered not only like two interchangeable dispositives, but like two technical fundamentally different, with the possibilities of different applications, according to the needs to which the therapist is called to […]

The poliphonic texture of intersubjectivity in the dream

Abstract My research on the Dream are based on the hypothesis that it is developed in the polyphonic texture of the interdiscourse. This assumption owes a lot to the work of M. Bakhtine and his followers. Bakhtine introduced the idea that the literary structure is elaborated at the crossing of several structures, just as the […]

Dreams: are they personal or social?

Abstract The history and lineage of dreams is ancient, mysterious and revelatory. Dreams have been used for prophecy, fortune-telling, for access to the spirit world and for extending our vision beyond our diurnal limits. Ancient Greece sought healing through sleep and dreams; Bion asserts the psychotic hallucinates because he cannot dream, cannot use normal dream […]

An Image Mediator in a Dream Mediator within a Group

Abstract The image as a mediator in individual therapy and in group sessions provides the occasion to mobilise the primary process of the unconscious, in a movement of regression necessary to any initial visualisation. Starting with this type of visualisation, it is possible to reach an authentic process of symbolisation. By “symbolisation”, I mean the […]

Dreamtelling as a request for containment and elaboration in group therapy

Abstract The traditional, intrapersonal way of working with dreams has been enriched by an interpersonal approach (Ferenczi, 1913, Kanzer 1955). Dreaming may no longer be viewed as an exclusively internal and autonomous working-trough (event) occurrence, as classical approaches suggest (Freud 1900, 1932, Meltzer 1983). Containment and elaboration of the exciting and the dreadful in dreams […]

The advent of a dream in a group of children

Abstract This paper follows the perspective suggested by Francesco Corrao in his writings on groups (F. Corrao, 1998), taking up some of the elements present in clinical practice that help to describe the question of dreams in a small early-childhood analytical group. The paper is divided into three parts. In the first I treat the […]

Children who dream in groups

Abstract Working with a group of children borders on an oneiric experience, a tale, a cloth so complex as to make it hard to pick out the warp and woof of the dream. The group and its members rarely “relate” the dream; they tend to “dream” the dream. What follows is drawn from an experiential […]

Primordial group and oneiric images

Abstract The purpose of this communication is to present configurations that become evident as dream- or oneiric images. These images are expressed mainly in ludic activities of children during parents-children’s therapy sessions with the approach named by me as “Parents-Children Joint Therapeutic Interventions”. Such approach was inspired on Esther Bick’s Observation method, as well ason […]

A treatening dream in a homogeneous group of patients expecting kidney transplants

Abstract This is an account of a Brief Analytic Group Psychotherapy experience with patients with chronic renal damage who were being dialyzed while waiting to receive kidney transplants. This practice was carried out in 1997, in the Psychiatric Liaison Unit of the Psychiatry Division of Hospital El Salvador, in Santiago, Chile. The authors had the […]

The Co-construction of the imaginary space in a group of children through the narration of stories and dreams

Abstract This work originates from the idea that the use of a mediating object (Privat P., Quélin-Soulignoux D., 2000) such as the narration of stories and dreams that emerge in the group, may create a new potential space where children may discover the dialectical relation between reality and imagination through the direct experience of what […]


The Buenos Aires Psychoanalytic Association (APdeBA) has reached thirty five years in 2012. In all these years APdeBA has been included in the psychoanalytic and cultural milleu in our community and has an important place in the national and international organizations to which it belongs. One of the more important intelectual assets of APdeBA is […]

Some introductory notes for a psychoanalytic literature of “The Simpsons”

Abstract In an excursus on the psychoanalytic literature that has addressed the relationship between creativity and art, the authors want to highlight how the animated sitcom “The Simpsons” can now be configured as an artistic production of high symbolic value can provide significant explanatory models, suitable to “read” like a case or of a literary […]

Oneiric constellations and group field

Abstract The new thoughts, not yet thought of, can become accessible through the creation, experience and discovery of what the author has called the constellation dream produced by re-dreamed by the group. The dreamer performs the function of “observation outpost” which on the whole, from his vertex, and with his autobiographical language, offers the group […]

The Red and the Black: A Practical Experiment for Thinking about Ritual

Abstract In order to explore ritual action in its own right (“in itself and for itself” as Lévi-Strauss [1971: 598] advises), the author has subjected students and seminar participants to a bare-bones male initiation rite of his own invention: The Red and the Black. He proposes to describe this ritual and, in doing so, to […]

Why today women are the center of attention

“To talk about gender violence in relation to the widespread violence against women and children would mean putting light on the “sexed” dimension of this phenomenon in so much as […] the manifestation of a historically unequal relationship between men and women that has led men to bully and discriminate against women. ” (United Nations […]

A therapeutical community on its way towards dreaming

Abstract For about a year, that is since we have assumed the community project ‘therapeutic responsibility for the structure has been given to a psychiatrist (psychoanalytic psychotherapist) to which were joined a psychologist (group analyst and expert in institutional dynamics), a clinical psychologist doctor (psychoanalytic psychotherapist, expert group phenomena), a psychiatrist (psychotherapist with special training […]

Group psychotherapy: the practice and the formation of homogeneous short term groups

Abstract In fact psychiatric diagnoses, (not geriatric), are grouped, using the DSM-IV nomenclature, into ten psychiatric problems: general anxiety disorders, social phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorders, agoraphobia, panic attacks (with or without agoraphobia), disorders from post-trauma stress, schizophrenia, abuse and dependence on drugs and alcohol. In a recent work we proposed to group the first six problems […]