Entries by @dmin

Experiences and thoughts on training in psycho-oncology

Abstract Those who wish to concern themselves with training in the psycho-somatic field and, in particular, in the psycho-oncological field need to face the constant work of working through the passage from defensive splitting to operational splitting. A psychoanalytically trained observer, who comes into contact with an institution, as G.Vetrone says (1986), is quite soon […]

The Myth of the Self Made Man realistic and function of dreams in patients with eating disorders

Abstract In this paper we analyze the case of a patient who comes in for consultation conducted of binge eating. We intend this as an eating disorder that shows early alterations in the psychic structure, caused by the dynamics of dependence of the patient towards the mother who adopted as a way of disinvestment affective […]

The Mind as a space to play: creating bonds within the group

Abstract Through the clinical material taken from the experience with therapeutic groups held at a Public Mental Health Service for children and adolescents in Rome, the group thought emerges as the individual play encounters, clashes and interweaves itself with the collective one, opening children’s minds to a multifaceted creativity. The children who are involved in […]

On the concept of “institutional container: an introduction

The subject of this monographic issue was inspired by an hypothesis which the three authors of one of its papers had shared from their own work: that the real object of the so-called “supervisions” within healthcare and social institutions is not so much the clinical case, or the quality of the provided service, or the […]

The median group as an transcultural device in treatment and formation Comparison between the Groupanalytical and the Ethnopsychoanalytical model

Abstract In this article the author compares the Groupanalytical model (in particular the Italian approach) and the Ethnopsychoanalytical model (in particular that developed in France by Tobie Nathan and Marie Rose Moro); moreover she compares two therapeutic devices: the median group for Group Analysis and Transcultural Consultation for Ethnopsychoanalysis. Beginning from these comparisons, the author […]

Day treatment programs for personality disorders: a review

Abstract This paper is a modification of a chapter that will appear in the forthcoming volume: “Handbook of Personality Disorders: theory, research, and treatment,” edited by W. John Livesley, PhD, MD, FRCP, published by Guildford Publications: New York, release date April 2001. The original chapter will be entitled “Partial Hospital Programs.” It suggests that more […]

Experiencing interaction: what makes up the bonds of relations with the world?

Abstract The author of the article identifies a constant interactive relationship between people and the world to which they belong, and describes the personal experience of using the interactive link with various outdoor environments. The testing of unknown landscapes opens new routes and new knowledge. experience is not separable from perception, emerges through interconnected systems, […]

Infantile anorexia and the child-caregiver relationship: an empirical study on attachment patterns

Abstract This study has the following aims: 1. To point out a higher rate of insecure and/or disorganized attachment patterns in the mother-child dyads with a diagnosis of infantile anorexia, as compared to a control group; 2. To show a concordance with respect to security/insecurity between the mother’s and the child’s attachment

W. Bion, D. Meltzer. Social and Individual Thought in Psychoanalysis

Abstract The purpose of this work is to focus on the psychoanalytical concepts which, after Freud, Ferenczi and M. Klein, were developed by Bion and Meltzer, who are the ones who continued their work. Bion (1961) is usually identified as an author who, due to his great creativity, has conceptualized institutional and group phenomena. In […]

Agoraphobia is feminine? Some reflections on the relationship between the agoraphobic syndrome and femininity

Abstract The more recent psychoanalytic conceptualizations, relating to the genesis of agoraphobia, have increasingly illuminated – going beyond the Oedipal contribution of Freudian memory – the serious structural deficits of the ego, the presence, therefore, of that “emptiness” in the basic structure as the real nucleus problem (Milrod, 2007; Cartwright, 2006, La Scala, 2010). These theories […]

Group, psychoanalysis and cinema. Notes about a formative group and cinema experience

Abstract In this essay we are willing to bring out some remarks on the usage of movies within experiential groups. As it is already widely acknowledged, there exists a strong relationship between cinema and psychoanalysis, especially between Freud’s theory of dreams and the cinematographic language. It is indeed interesting to highlight that they both are […]

Group and dream in departments of organic illness. The homogeneous group in the hospital department

Abstract So that what seems significant to us, relative to the theme of the groups iconic and oneiric production, concerns its specific function in the group dealing with organic illness. This function is connected with the need to represent the bodys internal events, to give them a shape and communicable expression, to provide them with […]

The Myths of the Group

Abstract You want to show how the analytic group to organize the first expression and sharing narrative needs to develop old and new myths. The ancient myths and formalized are especially useful in the early stages of the process by encouraging the natural myth-making of the group and allow you to approach the unconscious worlds […]

Pregnancy in women with Type 1 Diabetes: Bio-psychological aspects

Abstract The article aims to present the bio-psychosocial aspects that are found in pregnant women with type 1 diabetes. In the context of diabetes, the event conception and throughout the pregnancy are to be identified as those phenomena which are closely interrelated and are biologically and psychologically. From this interdependence generates a total transformation and […]

Getting to know crohn’s disease together with a group. Group therapy experience in an institution

Abstract The therapist of the group allowing the development of cognitive course, must analyse the meaning of the elements (patients, gatroenterologist, gastroenterologist, psychotherapist, university-context) and recognise the structure elements of the new bond that is forming. This movement can be considered as a process of Self reorganization. The patient’s group can be recognized as an […]

A psychotherapy group for latency girls in a school

Abstract This paper describes the TOPS (Tavistock Outreach Project in primary schools) experience of running a psychotherapy group for latency girls. The group consisted of five girls in their final year of primary school whose teachers felt could benefit from support in their relationship difficulties. The group ran in the school for just under two […]

Film References: Cinema, Psychology, Psychoanalysis and Mental Distress

In the Film References we included interesting films under a psychological perspective and from a more general point of view of mental distress. The selection of films has followed different criteria: the explicit content; the multidimensional deepening of the psychology of characters or of an atmosphere; the possible usage of the film as a tool […]

Music, context and culture: the contribution of the ethnomusicological research in the field of music therapic research

Abstract This article looks into the relationship between musictherapy and ethnomusicology because, if the use of music for therapeutic aims is an antique, varied and diversified practice, then the actual practice of musictherapy is also incredibly varied and even if it has been established a more science-based autonomous discipline in the last 50 years (thanks […]

Medication-support Groups: are they “Group Therapy”?

Abstract Medications and group therapy are important parts of most treatment plans but are rarely provided simultaneously. This article reviews combining these powerful modalities in medication-support groups (MSGs). Co-therapy is often necessary to lead MSGs because they require skill in group therapy and medication prescribing. Successful MSGs further group-based clinic culture.

Facilitating Change: Boundaries and the Human-Nature Dialectic

Abstract The author examines the relationship between man, nature and the tightness’ of the boundaries of the species. The individual relates to family and community, as  a set of individuals from which it derives its integrity, and self-awareness. Expand the boundaries and ‘a way to open new possibilities for exploring human culture and its relationship […]

Some introductory notes on the development of psychoanalysis in Argentina

Abstract The birth and evolution of the psychoanalytic movement in Argentina, both on a theoretical and clinical on an institutional level, set up the story of a complex evolutionary process, where you can show how the influences of European psychoanalysis have gone gradually to represent the cultural base from which many authors are parties to […]

In Search of ‘Hyde’ Notes on some transformations in the analysis room

Abstract The authors suggest a reflection on the use of the film and the context of the film theatre in connection with certain aspects of the analytic dialogue. Through a re-consideration of “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” by Robert Louis Stevenson and of five different film versions of the story, the […]

How do institutions dream

Abstract The author part of the box after that Freud made his topical and thanks to their rewriting topological space, he could understand that, beyond the physiological and psychological need of sleep, even the institutional groups need space for the self-representation conflicts which are crossed. These spaces, to operate according to the principles of  representability […]

There and back. Migrants’ dreams and myths

Abstract Such extreme crystallization of defensive experiences can be frequently observed in homogeneous communities or groups of emigrants of equal origin, too closed in themselves, anchored to surpassed habits, rituals, traditions and ideologies, clearly detached both from the reality of the place which hosts them (rejected because alien) and from the reality of the country […]