Entries by @dmin

The symbiotic lure: organizations as defective containers

Abstract The purpose of this article is to explore the psychodynamics of regression in organizations. First, the paper presents a brief critique of the rationalist and mechanistic approaches to organizations and their selective inattention to subliminal and unconscious aspects of organizational life, particularly regressive actions. Then, the association between psychological regression and organizational identity is […]

A quick guide to the papers in this issue

Paper Title: Genius Loci: A function of a group’s affective regulation Author: Claudio Neri (Italy) Summary This paper builds a picture of a characteristic that is shared by both places and groups. Each place and each group has a “Genius Loci” which can be compared to a deity whose constant presence gives character, coherence and […]

The group as place and substance of dream

Abstract The dream reported in a therapeutic group is one of the events which incisively characterizes its development; its frequence is comparable with that of other forms of psychotherapy and in any case its merit depends on the way the therapy is carried out. The dream considered in this contribution refers to that kind of […]

Field Theory and the Internal Group as a Model of the Psyche

Abstract A distinction is drawn between psychoanalysis of the link and the link perspective of psychoanalysis. Pichon Riviere´s notion of the internal group – a notion which is lesser known and infrequently used – would appear to be the theory which is most compatible with the latter of these perspectives. This approach requires a reformulation […]

Lansquenet from “tranquillité” to play. Based upon the film Chocolat by Lasse Hallström

Abstract New is amazing, it affects senses, like a cold winter wind striking one’s face, like a red cloak standing out in the dullness of late winter night, like a good hot chocolate delighting even the most suspicious palate with its aroma, like exotic music attracting even the most insensible ears; new smells of spring […]

Parallel Lives and Intertwined Narrations. Identitary Paths Between Life History and Historical Processes

Abstract In this article the author reflects on how to textualize the life history of a Senegalese artist of a griot family (Badara Seck) who actually resides in Rome, without forcing the data into a different conception of being a person. First, there is an exploration of the nexus between the self’s conception, genealogy and […]

Group dreams as fractal images

Abstract In fractal geometry, a fractal is an object with a complex branched structure subtly, gradually enlarging a portion of the structure are out details that remain the same at all scales of growth. fractals are not expressed by primary forms, but by algorithms. In this sense, the analytic group can be considered, using the […]

Women Victims of Trafficking: theoretical overview and exploratory study on the phenomenon. Attachment and emotional-relational functioning

Abstract Within the theoretical and clinical framework of Attachment theory, the present pilot study aims to assess whether and how potentially traumatic experiences suffered by women victims of trafficking may have negative consequences on emotional-relational functioning and intends to consider the role of mediation of attachment assessed by using the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI). The […]

A short term group of formation with medical staff who work in oncological wards. Stefania Marinelli (Part one)

Abstract This paper is about an experience of a group of formation with doctors and nurses on the theme of cancer that we conducted in the oncological ward of the San Filippo Neri Hospital in collaboration with the Psychiatry Service within that hospital. It lasted three months with a weekly frequency. The group was conducted […]

Two dreams by Piero della Francesca

Abstract The author studies the contribution that emerges from Piero’s dream vision. He notes the relationship doctor/patient is replaced by the painter/viewer one: the dream isn’t the problem but the solution, it isn’t a puzzle that needs to be reconstructed piece by piece, but rather a global narration governed by the painter/viewer’s eye, controlled by […]


Abstract In this introduction, after a brief account of the advantages and application areas of group psychotherapy as a method of intervention in developmental age, they are briefly summarized all the articles that make up the volume. In this way, it is given an overview of the content, following a

Therapeutic groups and the institutional container: curative factors of the psychiatric institutional field and its destructive elements

Abstract Starting from increasing destructiveness of symbolization processes in contemporary psychopathology, this paper try to suggest connections between institutional containers , subjective mind and group (mostly bionian one), allowing everyone a way to  keep available oniric elements for the care

Presentation “Group and Migration”

Abstract In the introduction some fundamental ideas that are relative to the analysis of immigration processes and cultural exchange are illustrated according to psychoanalytic parameters. In addition, a new, in depth interpretation that suggests both points of connection and divergence between the different essays in the issue is given. This clarifies the central theme of […]

The Individual, the Group and Nature

Abstract In this article, the author proposes to consider the complexity of the interconnections between individual, group and nature. Is there a link between mental representations of nature and psychological well-being. If the child is not, and ‘entity’ separate from the mother, the individual can not be seen isolated from its physical world. The relationship […]

The rush of political dreams in analytic group

Abstract The author formulates the hypothesis that the group – analytical “resounds”, at a emotional/cognitive level, also because of the deep macro – structural transformations. To bound this resonance he presents a methodical observation, about 2 years long, of two groups of analytical therapy, to notice the influences over the subjective backgrounds (especially the dreams) […]

A family matter (inside). Notes on group aspects in eating disorders

Abstract I’ll try to connect some of the bionian ideas about individual-group relationship to the specific manifestations of eating disorders, with regards to the fact that some of these remarks could be valid also for different pathologies. The aim of this paper is not so much to propose alternative aetiological explanations, as to stress the […]

Reflections on a Story: Group, on the Processes of Change and Identificatory Reorganization

Abstract The authors present a story that does not represent the analytic situation, but a testimony that needed the presence of other, with capacity for reverie, able to contain a space of meanings to enable the processing and reprocessing of phenomena of the lived experience, interwoven in a symbolic plot. The story is about the […]

The Love that moves the Sun and the other Stars (1) Short Presentation of the edition: “Although we are women” (2)

I would like to a give a special thank you to Silvia Cimino and Luca Cerniglia, for their editorial collaboration; and to Claudio Neri, who gave life to the first working group within the course “Female groups” “I do not know us” were the first words spoken by Bion, after an intense silence at the […]

Traumatic representations associated with separation. Acting as dreams that can not be dreamed

Abstract The presentation deals with the reactions to the absence of a therapist. The re-enactment, triggered by the absence of a therapist, provokes an automatic response of hyper-arousal that deprives the patients of the ability to modulate and control anxiety and aggression. This enhances the probability of acting-out. An acting can be regarded as a […]

Candomblé: A small glossary

Glossary Alapini: supreme high priest of the Egungun cult. Axé: sacred energy, vital strength that can be found in man, animals and vegetables. Babalaò: high priest of Ifà, the divination Orixà. Babalorixà: same as pãe de santo, leader of the religious community. Barracão: the room in which the public rituals take place. Bùzio: shells that […]

Self-help groups with women victims of intimate partner violence

Abstract The “social” importance of the debate concerning the phenomenon of intimate partner violence and the possible forms of intervention feasible in its regard is now well established within various scientific disciplines, including the psychological one. The specific contribution that psychology can give, as well as the understanding of the phenomenon, is specifically linked to […]

Experiental group and dream

Abstract The experiential group has a duration defined, a beginning and an end, known by the participants. A purpose, not therapeutic, but explicitly and programmatically “experiential”. A conductor having acquired expertise on the events – the “effects” – the unconscious, is able to perceive what is happening in the group and not only to provide […]

The person internal to the hospital who acts as intermediary and guarantor of the experience. Simonetta Bruni (Part two)

Abstract This paper is about an experience of a group of formation with doctors and nurses on the theme of cancer that we conducted in the oncological ward of the San Filippo Neri Hospital in collaboration with the Psychiatry Service within that hospital. It lasted three months with a weekly frequency. The group was conducted […]

Identification Processes in Group Organisation

Summary The group framework is the cause of a first moment of identity-based anxiety, characterized by the non-differentiation of the group members and the projection of cleaved aggressive and libidinal elements. The group becomes a real object, represented and invested by its members as they organize it into a container/ constructor of their primal anxieties. […]