Entries by @dmin

The symmetrical synchronic fractal transformations, T(F(SxS)), in the oscillation work between the individual unconscious and the collective unconscious

Abstract In this article, the author tries to present to the scientific community a fourth type of transformation to be added to those already proposed by Bion in Transformations (Bion 1965); this proposal is based on the integration suggested by the individual and group clinics of the points of view of four authors: Jung and […]

Rêverie and amplification, gateways to the unconscious

Abstract Many similarities can be observed between Jung’s theory and that of Bion, as their ideas converge on several central themes of their theoretical-clinical thinking: archetype and pre-conception, psychoid and protomental, anima and alpha function, alchemical recipiens and container, synchronicity and constant conjunction, amplification and rêverie (Manica, 2014). In this paper, we wanted to deepen […]

A path of family violence: from the family of origin to the adoptive family. The story of Akos

Abstract This piece of work illustrates how adoptive paths are often transformed into difficult and painful situations as the history of the family of origin of the adoptive child is unacknowledged and the traumatic situation that is often at the origin of the request for adoption is underestimated. As Alberto Eiguer states when he speaks […]

Infertility treatment and the risk of drop-out of couples in a focus group research

Abstract Conceiving a child and start a family, constitute the deepest desire of each person and it is also an important stage of development by completing the psychosocial individual and marital identity. Numerous studies say that one of the main consequences of infertile couple, are individual and psychological problems. This can lead to the onset […]

Juno, Claire, Camille: How cinema recounts the experience of pregnancy in adolescents

Abstract The paper proposes, through the analysis of three films, “Juno”, “Brodeuses” (The embroiderers) and “17 girls”, some reflections on the difficulties of the encounters of adolescents with their own generating capacity. The pregnancies arise from profoundly different contexts and deals with the uncomfortable relationship in becoming a woman that seems to be connected with […]

The birth of the ability to narrate

Abstract I’m going to describe the appearance of an ability to narrate in the case of an adopted child with autistic traits. This capability has become possible, in my opinion, first of all following the late internal experience of the continuity of existence, closely linked to the experience of those sensory envelopes usually provided to […]

Adoptive parenting and group space

Abstract Through an analysis of the experience of working with groups of adoptive parents, this paper highlights that the real reason behind their more general request for help is actually the need to work through their decision to adopt, their difficulty in accepting a family identity without biological roots, and the uncertainty concerning their child’s […]

The fragility of the links in the adoptive family: is it a terminable or interminable adoption?

Abstract In Italy the Social and Health Services have seen an increase in the number of reports of adoptive families in crisis. The reports involve teenagers adopted mostly from Eastern Europe in the early 90s who have experienced significant mental suffering. Through a case study of Family Psychoanalytic Therapy the authors analyze the specific qualities […]

The adopted child and his double origin

Abstract In order to highlight the persistence of a double connection of the adopted child with the family of origin as well as with the new adoptive bonds (e.g., Brodzinsky, Schechter, Marantz Henig, 1992), two clinical cases are presented in this work: The first one regards a young woman who was adopted in early childhood […]

Meeting Elsewhere. The Group in Adoption

Abstract In this article, after brief considerations of the characteristics of the “towards and beyond adoption” formative path and after a personal testimony that wishes to give voice to the children met in several institutions in the Ukraine, the consequences of the trauma of abandonment are commented on. There follows a taking under examination group […]

Attachment models in late-adopted children end their adoptive mothers: a clinical example

Abstract Attachment Theory highlighted the role of secure adoptive mothers in affecting the revision of late-adopted children’s Internal Working Models respect to attachment (Steele, Hodges, Kaniuk, Hillman, Henderson, 2003; Pace, Zavattini, D’Alessio, 2012). Starting from a theoretical discussion on the importance of the quality of parenting, caregiving and reflective capacities of adoptive mothers, a discussion […]

Adoption and same-sex parenting: Oedipus abandoned?

Abstract Although substantial research has demonstrated that children of lesbian and gay parents develop in ways that are similar to those of heterosexual parents, families with lesbian and gay parents remain controversial. We know that most adopted children have a history of abandonment. In this paper, which is necessarily brief, we reflect on the possibility […]

Adoption, a filial -affiliation

Abstract There are many myths and tales telling of the often impressive destiny of adopted children who seem to benefit from new alliances. In clinic we often hear other stories where abandonment anxiety and narcissistic wounds are predominant. The adopted child endures two symbolic processes founding his singular subjectivity: the original narcissistic contract which links […]

Duplicity and illusion in families formed by international adoption

Summary “Duplicity and illusion in international adoption.” New family compositions created by international adoption grow hand in hand with globalization. Beyond the socio-economic or political implications, the author focuses on the psychological processes at work in these families. Duality of countries, cultures and families, associated with the intensity of the needs and demands involved, induce […]

Editorial Groups for Adoptions

The term adoption refers to social events in which the law “creates” new family contexts and ratifies new affiliations according to the often greatly differing practices of diverse regions and time scales. All too often the background to an adoption is muddled and confused; even when there have not been any misadventures or drastic separations […]

Bion & Gould

Summary Bion and Gould’s thought, respectively in psychoanalysis and music, shows significant and interesting concordance. Both men are considered mystics, in the sense of supporters of highly innovative ideas (messianic),namely for their ability  to approach  the “truth”  and to  influence culture and the establishment in a revolutionary manner. They favour the rule of improvisation, thanks […]

Unheard melodies: the “psychoanalytic function” of music listening in music therapy work

Abstract The paper focuses on the musical experience of the listening and, more specifically, the music listening in the music therapy setting. Starting from a psychoanalytic perspective on sound-music and from a psychoanalytically informed therapeutic approach, the idea of a “psychoanalytic function” of music is first proposed. This function implies that music allows the listener […]

Music, group and group analytic music therapy in adolescence

Abstract The adolescent subject is required to recover their sound envelope bruised by puberty. All of the sound world and in particular the body’s sonority must be reorganized to guarantee the narcissistic continuity of the pubescent child. Music, especially when it accompanies the group of peers, offers teenagers a way to reconstitute a sound envelope. […]

Music and Psychoanalysis

Abstract Freud’s attitude towards music was very ambivalent. For him the risk was, with the music of losing rational control that he had set himself as purpose. After a critical reading of his work, psychoanalysts have examined the links between psychoanalysis and music, discovering that there is a specific modality of psychic inscription belonging to […]

FOR PLEASURE. A sound/musical associative process

Abstract: This text reflects a very special group experience, centered on sound, music, relationship, in a functioning of free association. It focuses on musical practice and its pleasure, in groups. This experience, still relevant, has actually lasted for 17 years, she questions what “holds” such a group. The reflection also focuses on the transition from […]