Entries by @dmin

Presentation, Mith, Dream and Group

In May, 1999 the first issue of Funzione Gamma went on-line. The theme was Dream and Group. Not long after, a second issue on that same theme came out. Three years have gone by and the ninth and current issue focuses on the theme which is Dream, Myth and Group, once again. In a few […]

Group Field and School Context.

Abstract We have chosen the previous quotation because we consider it accounts for some unconscious beliefs shared by the social groups which are part of the community, such us parents, journalists, teachers, students, politicians and leaders. Based on Bion’s approach to groups, we could say that the aforementioned groups show beliefs that make them work […]

Psychoanalytical considerations on Ingmar Bergman’s “Cries and Whispers”

Abstract The Author rereads Ingmar Bergman’s film “Cries and Whispers” not only as a representation of the process of emotions and thoughts revolving around dying, but also as a potentially transformational experience for the audience’s self that generates a profound change in how they interpret death. Psychoanalytical considerations on the film, juxtaposed with Heidegger’s concept […]

Who dreams in the group?

Abstract The author proposes to investigate the group dimension of the dream. Shows the clinical material of a mixed group, closed, comprising six participants engaged in this approach for reasons of training or treatment, which meets once a week for two years. According to the ‘author’s interpretation of dreams is the royal road to the […]

Psycho-Dynamism of dramisation in groups

Abstract The author relates the dream to a production typical of the group, the dramatic representation and tries to show the similarities and differences between the two. The author takes into consideration the thought of Anzieu (1963), who pointed out the equivalence between the small group and the dream. A group would be, in a […]