Entries by @dmin

Roman days of multi family psychoanalysis

N.41 – Published in 2018 – edited by Fiorella Ceppi, Claudia Tardugno, Andrea Narracci, Federico Russo, Luciana De Franco – Cover “Inclusione, ascolto, riflessione” by CaterinaTabasso

Group and Rite

N. 40 – published 2016 edited by Angela Tirabasso cover Śūnyatā: the difference between nothingness and emptiness that can be impregnated

Group psychotherapy and border areas of contemporary psychiatry

N.34 – Published in 2015 – edited by Francesco Comelli The author, now considered an artist and a master of photography, attended as a user psychiatric services, and attended until today a gradual but firm and steady improvement also thanks to the groups. He embodies a good job linking among a dramatic past, a difficult […]

A memoir of the future

N.33 – Published in 2014 – edited by Giuseppe Civitarese, Robert D.Hinshelwood, Stefania Marinelli – photo by Claudio Neri, Palazzo Barberini: detail of the fresco by Pietro da Cortona “The Triumph of Divine Providence”

Although we are women

N.29 – Published in 2012 – Edited by Stefania Marinelli – Cover “holy body” talks about the female existence which is in suspension between a state of holiness and physical presence, between creative forces and limits that are imposed by mandatory reverence payed to the function of reproduction. In a continuous and inexorable circle, the […]

Sensoriality, corporeity, and sexuality in the group

N.26 – Published in 2011 –edited by Silvia Corbella, Stefania Marinelli, Paola Russo. – The geometrical structure and written language tend to dissolve, lose their borders and definition and evoke an emotional universe. The narration remains as a significant graphicalstructur which is very distant from a conventional specific point of reference. The light from the […]

Rules for writers

On this page there are the rules that the authors have to follow in order to be published on Gamma function. At the bottom of page you can download the facsimile of the article in word. The text: structure, parameters, indications. Font: Times New Roman 14 Body: Justified Line spacing: 1.0 Title, paragraphs: Bold Author […]

The aims & scope

Our Internet Journal Funzione Gamma connects people, schools, cultures eager for knowledge. Funzione Gamma takes advantage of the possibilities of a wide and direct communication, facilitating interpersonal contacts even when space distances are exceedingly great. We hope that our “web journal” will contribute in a positive way in research with group psychology, group psychotherapy and group psychoanalysis. The journal and its staff welcome […]

Ethics and malpractice statement

The Scientific committee, directors and editing staff of the magazine guarantee the highest standards in regards to all aspects of publication, assistance to the authors and editors of the specific issues regarding research and any possible publication misconduct. To this end periodic meetings are organized and members are kept in close contact via videoconferences and […]