Entries by @dmin

Therapeutic community: a complex treatment model. The identity of institutions and the subjects of therapy

Abstract The paper means to repropose Therapeutic Community importance and adequacy as treatment process and therapeutic Method. An intensive treatment process to those people who have clinical and existential situations of a certain seriousness and complexity, wich can not find a result so articulated in other treatment contexts and methods. We describe the characteristic of […]

Caregiver Training

Abstract Homo sapiens inherited enormous genetic potential, selected over a great arc of time, which has proved indispensable to his survival but at times also manifests useless or even irritatingly awkward vestigial aspects that create a sort of dissonance, an evolutionary mismatch. Aggressiveness is one of those potentially problematic aspects that, if it is properly […]

Community therapy. Focusing on the foreign body. Effects on patients and caregivers

Abstract Therapeutic communities are now and have for several decades been used for a wide array of disorders that range from substance abuse to personality disorders, and from subacute to chronic psychosis. These disorders are often intertwined and causes an overly dense diagnostic framework. It is possible to observe two different perspectives which converge into […]

Consultation in support of the professional ego?

Abstract The authors describe their experience as consultants that supported the professional ego in favour of the clinical teams of Il Porto Therapeutic community. In providing their support to the team, the authors tried to take care of this space for mutual advices and reflection, protected from the daily anxiety of pressing clinical decision-making, to […]

The democratic therapeutic community: soft or tough on violence?

Abstract The therapeutic environment needs to aim both to set limits on pathological behaviour (such as, violence) and also promote psychosocial skills. To achieve this, ‘a stable, coherent social organisation which provides an integrated, extensive treatment context’ is required (Abroms, 1969), and the Democratic Therapeutic Community (DTC) is one such organisation. Following Tom Main, however, […]

Democratic therapeutic communities for the future. How can we face epochal changes without distorting our mission?

Abstract Today therapeutic communities live in a condition of uncertainty and precariousness, due to a tangle of epochal changes, from a cultural, political and economical angle. The financial trouble led to cuts in mental health services, increasing regulation and administrative demands. The fact of facing this phenomenon of increasing stiffening, particularly on a political and […]

The “Visting in italy” project: origins, organisation and prospects

Abstract Visiting has its theoretical roots in the research of Lewin, and began in England in the early 2000s when the Community of Communities network, led by Rex Haigh, introduced this project structured on both peer- and self-review for monitoring the quality of treatment settings (for adults, minors, prisoners, etc.) and earning accreditation and financing […]

Introduction Group and Rite

The small psychoanalytic group is itself a ritual that contains individual anxieties and allows them to be faced within a group setting, creating a sense of belonging and the possibility of change. One of my patients said, turning to his companions, “We’re not losers: we have the group.” The ritual is accentuated by the size […]

“Revolutionary” baby, rite and family

Abstract Rites marks life cycles and social rhythms.  They are present in all areas of psychotherapy, especially in group psychotherapy.  However, the traditional rites surrounding birth are disappearing.  The hypothesis of this communication is based on the idea that the birth event provokes the rite because birth is an upheaval, a revolution, both for the […]

Group and Rite

Abstract This text attributes several significances and functions to social rite and its construction inside group. Certainly, these have a social value in  maintaining and keep cohesive group, but also they can stimulate new experiences, not already known and coherent. Author poses three different notions of social rite and he compares them to other three […]

A small ritual and three phases of the process of elaboration in group psychoanalysis

Abstract Using an extended clinical account, I draw attention to two questions that are important to understanding the therapeutic efficacy of the small psychoanalytic group. The first is the relationship between therapeutic efficacy and the implementation of rituals, which confirm the transition from one condition to another in life, or which allow the sharing of […]

Resonances and Reflections on the Works of Marinelli, Mellier, and Neri Presented at the “Group and Ritual” Conference

Abstract The theme “Group and Ritual” seems of particular significance at this profoundly complex and dramatic historical moment, with the danger of closing into the “private,” provoking a disintegrating and dangerous narcissism. The analytically-led small group can be not only a valid model for dealing with narcissistic closure in the self, but is also a […]

Cybernetic Rituals and Rituality in the community of Digital Brothers: clinical and theoretical reflections

Abstract The present paper focuses on the theme of ritual in adolescence. Firstly, the function of ritual in adolescence and related pubertal transformation are discussed. The crisis of rituals in post-modern societies is mentioned and possible subsequent outcomes of that, in terms of youngsters’ developmental path, discussed. Particular attention is given to possible ritual-like functions […]

The family body in exile. Ritual value of everyday life

Abstract Exile constitutes a risk factor that is magnified when a subject or family is especially vulnerable, and the extreme conditions under which people have emigrated in recent years heightens this vulnerability. The author considers situations in which not only one family member demonstrates malaise at the psychic or somatic level, but where strong distress […]

Introduction “Roman days of multi family psychoanalysis”

Presenting the work on multi-family psychoanalysis exposed during the Roman Days of Multi-Family Psychoanalysis is a source of great joy and pride. It’s been a while since a small group of mental health workers decided to organize three days of perer confrontation and exchange with professionals from different places in the world. Andrea Narracci, Claudia […]

The therapeutic process of a difficult patient explained through Jorge García Badaracco’s multi-family psychoanalysis approach

Abstract The author exposes the therapeutic process undertaken by a borderline patient. Private therapy together with the participation in multi-family psychoanalysis groups allowed working in the consulting room with a broader approach thanks to the group support. This paper illustrates the primary concepts of multi-family psychoanalysis. Furthermore, it defines the notion of mental illness as […]

The emotional climate: the process of building it and contribution to change

Abstract The authors present clinical considerations rooted on their experiences in multi-family groups. They address the issue of the construction of an emotional climate and environment promoting the work of the group. The emotional climate also supports the functions of the co-therapists and of therapy itself, it maintains attention to emotional experiences and to the […]

Looking for “myself as a therapist”

Abstract The first coordinator of multifamily psychoanalyses groups was Jorge García Badaracco. Many people around the world are trying to continue his work, sometimes from quite different ideological and professional positions. Quite often doubts arise about we are or are not doing a good job, and discrepancies appear. Then, in relation to the difficulty, the […]

Multiplicity of groups, individuality of the person

Abstract This paper aimed to analyse, through the contributions of authors from different disciplines, how duality, and plurality and internal (and often unconscious) multiplicity seem to be the structural elements of individuality. The individual’s mind seems to be organized around configurations of multiple and discontinuous states of the Self with varying degrees of awareness. The […]

Multiple transferences and multifamily psychoanalysis group

Abstract The aim of our presentation is to explore and  the aspects of Multifamily Psychoanalysis Groups (MFPG) that convey inner working-through and transformation. Such processes are considered just as they are usually  depicted by the psychoanalytic theory and practice. In the specific and peculiar frame of MFPG, the raise of an emotional atmosphere facilitating the […]

Conduction Group in Multifamily Psychoanalysis: setting and countertransference

Abstract This paper aims to highlight some peculiarities of Multifamily Psychoanalysis with the purpose of stimulating thought, shared reflections and research. We do not claim in any way to completely fulfil a task that would be too challenging to be developed basing from a focal

Pathological and pathogenic interactions in Multi-Family Psychoanalysis

Abstract This text treats a specific aspect of multi-family psychoanalytic groups in which it is sometimes possible to find that the pathological and pathogenic interactions frequently visible in a session with a parent and a child, also develop in a couple, between parent and child or even between brothers and sisters. How is it possible […]

Evaluation of psychodynamic multi-family group therapy for psychiatric patients and their families. A proposal of a process-outcome assessment protocol

Abstract In the community perspective about the treatment of serious mental illness through the multi-family groups (Badaracco, 2004; Scholz & Asen, 2010), empirical research with psychiatric patients should focus, according to the literature (de Albuquerque et al., 2010; Karamlou et al. 2010), on the evaluation of correlation between outcome variables, therapeutic factors, perceived burden of […]