Entries by @dmin

The paternal function in psychoanalysis: the therapist’s role inside a multiple family therapy setting

Abstract In this article I want to describe the importance of the father in the psychic development of  children, and his role of  thirdness capable of progressively opening up the symbiotic mother-child bonds towards alterity. It is because of the presence of a third person in the relationship that children can start developing their thinking […]

C.I.P.R.E.S. contribution to rehabilitation in multifamily psychoanalysis’ approach

Abstract In this paper, which integrates narrative moments, theoretical approaches and methodological aspects, the author focuses on the centrality of the Multifamily intervention (initially in the form of Assembly and later as Multifamily Group of Psychoanalysis) in the organization and practice of rehabilitation Day Care Center C.I.P.R.E.S., one of the first rehabilitation services in Uruguay. […]

In pursuit of authenticity

Abstract Based on the particularity an emotive experience activates when we connect with other’s authentic expressions, the author reflects on how the search for authenticity resides in every one of us, and turns into a main element in the most serious patients’ experiences, constantly deprivated of the possibility to freely express their experiences and the […]

Training in Multifamiliar Psychoanalysis

Abstract The author emphasizes the importance of formation for workers. Formation according to a modality that follows the theoric/experiential patterns of Garcia Badaracco’s Multifamily Psychoanalysis. Following this path, she puts in evidence two fields connected between themselves, the personal one and the caring/relational one. The suggested reflections start from the personal formative experience with Garcia […]


Professor Marinelli provided an exhaustive introduction to the subject matter of this edition, therefore I would like to take this opportunity to add my personal experience and thoughts related to the Conference of the Institute of Group Analysis “Rasztów”, as well as the idea of creating this publication in the internet magazine Funzione Gamma. I […]

Presentation of the edition

At the Conference organized in the spring of last year 2017 by the “Rasztòw Group Analysis Institute” in Warsaw: The desire for homogeneity and conflict (Pragnienie jednorodnosci a konflikt) at the University Library, some vibrant thematic cores were presented and discussed, considerably interesting to the work of the groups, starting from the presentation of Maciej […]

Separately or together? Homogeneous or heterogeneous groups in the context of countertransference. A commentary on the paper by Maciej Zbyszewski entitled “War Trauma Dialectic”

Abstract This article is a commentary on the paper by Maciej Zbyszewski concerning his work with soldiers who returning from war missions. My work with Holocaust survivors and consequences of working with homogeneous groups are discussed in the context of war trauma. In my opinion therapeutic group

Therapeutic and analytical group field with anorexic patients

Abstract In this contribution there are two main questions related to clinical conceptualizations in the psychoanalytic field which can be adopted in the work with the anorexic patients. 1. The first concerns the question of whether anorexia can be described as an independent psychoneurosis, such as, in Freud’s classification of psychoneurosis, the obsessive syndrome. 2. […]

Commentary on Dr S. Marinelli’s paper “The field of therapeutic and analytic group of female anorectic patients”

Theoretical part of my commentary As a way of introduction to her thoughts on the work with anorectic patients Dr S. Marinelli outlines the field of theoretical works and considerations dealing with the problem of anorexia nervosa. In this field – apart from the works of numerous Italian authors – we find the work of […]

A group-analytic model to create a personal and social dynamic identity

Abstract A group-analytic model to create a personal and social dynamic identity. Identity needs time to build up, to learn flexibility and adaptability while maintaining a sense of self-consistence,a time difficult to find in contemporary society dominated by expectation of “everything at once” We, as psychoanalysts, can help to restart the time in all its […]

Transmission of violence: sharing and transforming pain in analytical work

Abstract This paper intends to discuss the issue of violence in the links with the help of three case histories. It will first illustrate a case of couple psychotherapy, then a case of group psychotherapy and lastly a clinical vignette concerning group psychotherapy directed to the staff of an institution. Group psychotherapy was performed with […]

Social violence and migration: the emergence of traumatic traces in a Photolangage® group

Abstract In a context of social violence and great precariousness, contemporary migratory flows call into question our care devices and in particular the individual setting. The issue regarding potential traumas due to forced migration put us in front of the complexity of the clinical picture in a transcultural context. Through an original device based on […]

Accepting death anxiety and agliophobia and their emotional transformation in a Laboratory Group

Abstract A group of psychologists and psychotherapists involved in different health care services for people with severe, lethal or deeply disabling somatic illnesses discuss the difficulty of their job when tackling the pain of the limit, the loss, death and emotional resonance it evokes. The identification with terminal or severely injured patients is a difficult […]

Presentation “Baby observation and analytic presence”

The baby observation, such a peculiar method and something so difficult to understand in its real strength and importance, is here described, above all, as a fundamental tool for learning to “be with”. Learn to find within oneself the ability to tolerate another presence, refraining from immediately resorting to the theory, to interpretations, but simply […]

The psychoanalytic approach of the baby observation in the family, what does it provide to the group?

Abstract The author explains why the observation of the newborn in the family, according to the method of Esther Bick, represents a resource for associative work and the group psychoanalysis. It first illustrates the different types of observation and then he situates this procedure alongside a subjectivizing process and recalls the important role of observation […]


Abstract The direct observation of the newborn has been elaborated and proposed by Esther Bick, member of the British Psychoanalytic Society, in the aim to better understand the child’s development in his family environment. The observation takes place at home once a week for one hour during the first two years of a child’s life. […]

From symbiosis to fusionality: observing the newborn to understand the adult

Abstract The main purpose of this article is to describe the path from symbiosis to fusionality, since, despite these two terms are frequently used in the psychoanalytic literature, they are often named in a way that is not always clear, especially the latter. It is my personal belief that, instead, an explanation and correlation of […]

“Your eyes are beautiful”, first session of an observation

Abstract This is the report of a first observation session, punctuated by comments coming from the supervision work and concluded by a series of more global considerations, which allow to inscribe what was said within a family and physiological evolutionary path.In this text is constantly present the passage between what the family actually puts in […]

Observations at the nursery: practicing how to attribute meaning to everyday actions

AbstractThe aim of this paper is to show how the psychoanalytically oriented observation method in the tradition of the Tavistock Clinic applied as main tool in the training of educators in the institutional setting of a nursery is a valuable tool for the prevention of possible serious psychopathological situations. The observer acts as a sounding […]

Introduction to “groupal Oedipus and the primary scene in the network era”

Our era, which, after Lyotard, many people indicate as post-modern and which today some prefer to identify as “hyper-history”, is rapidly moving us towards a world we do not know, the “infosphere”, a world where technologies interact with other technologies, making the human being increasingly marginal and less involved of  processes (Floridi, 2014). In this […]

Self-generation as a structuring defense that testifies to the importance of groupal illusion in adolescence

Abstract. The author, comparing groups of children and groups of adolescents with the same device, shows that the Oedipus complex does not have the same organizer function. In adolescents, the primal scene, linked to its passivity, integrates them into an unbearable infantile sexual scene, and by passing through self-generation and gender complementarity, they can finally […]

Group Oedipus and primary scene. Insertions and contaminations between virtual and archaic

Abstract The author revisits the Oedipus in its complex and group dimension, and the possible saturating and inhibiting effects of grafting the virtual into the imaginary dimension of the primary scene. The idea of ​​the family as protective container isolated from the social is only an idealization of the child and of the first Freud, […]

The primal scene, the analytically oriented group and the Oedipal configurations

Abstract This paper aims to highlight how the changes in social contexts have potentially modified the fantasies and the experiences related to the primal scene and to the oedipal configurations, shrinking the space available to imagination and to the processes of subjectivation, ensuing the risk of negative aftereffects both on the subject and on his […]