
Introduction “Roman days of multi family psychoanalysis”

Presenting the work on multi-family psychoanalysis exposed during the Roman Days of Multi-Family Psychoanalysis is a source of great joy and pride. It’s been a while since a small group of mental health workers decided to organize three days of perer confrontation and exchange with professionals from different places in the world.
Andrea Narracci, Claudia Tardugno, Federico Russo, Luciana De Franco and Fiorella Ceppi Read more


Evaluation of psychodynamic multi-family group therapy for psychiatric patients and their families. A proposal of a process-outcome assessment protocol

In the community perspective about the treatment of serious mental illness through the multi-family groups (Badaracco, 2004; Scholz & Asen, 2010), empirical research with psychiatric patients should focus, according to the literature (de Albuquerque et al., 2010; Karamlou et al. 2010), on the evaluation of correlation between outcome variables, therapeutic factors, perceived burden of care and characteristics of family’s structure, in order to understand what roles they play in mediating Read more


Psychoanalysis and Psychiatry

To treat psychosis is necessary to construct a context in which it is possible to observe and defuse psychoses, a context in which it is possible to deal and cope with the tendency to shrink the capacity to use all of the self that everyone has, parents, children and professionals interdependencies involved in the Read more


Multifamily Psychoanalysis

AbstractIn this short article, the author proposes a reflection about the essence of Multifamily Psychoanalysis: examining what happens between people, in particular between two or more people that experience a symbiotic bound, to see if it is possible to introduce changes. Through a clinical example, Read more