
A short term group of formation with medical staff who work in oncological wards. Stefania Marinelli (Part one)


This paper is about an experience of a group of formation with doctors and nurses on the theme of cancer that we conducted in the oncological ward of the San Filippo Neri Hospital in collaboration with the Psychiatry Service within that hospital. It lasted three months with a weekly frequency. The group was conducted by the consultant psychiatrist (Dr.S.Bruni) and an external supervisor, a specialist in group psychoanalysis (Dr. S.Marinelli). We thought it better to privilege the basic and real significance of this experience, rather than use a technical and historical approach, and we have divided the work into two parts. The first part describes the events of the group from the viewpoint of the external supervisor; the dream is considered as a bi-lateral field of work where doctors of the body and the mind meet up. The second part is from the internal psychiatristís point of view, and examines the sequences in detail bringing the experience in close Read more