
Presentation “Baby observation and analytic presence”

The baby observation, such a peculiar method and something so difficult to understand in its real strength and importance, is here described, above all, as a fundamental tool for learning to “be with”. Learn to find within oneself the ability to tolerate another presence, refraining from immediately resorting to the theory, to interpretations, but simply letting oneself be filled by what the other offers us, taking the necessary time to discover how that action takes place, what is repeated and what changes, which affects come into play and who takes part to these.
Entering the house of a mother and her new-born baby, as well as a nursery school or a Read more


The psychoanalytic approach of the baby observation in the family, what does it provide to the group?


The author explains why the observation of the newborn in the family, according to the method of Esther Bick, represents a resource for associative work and the group psychoanalysis.
It first illustrates the different types of observation and then he situates this procedure alongside a subjectivizing process and recalls the important role of observation in the institutional clinic.
The author then presentes this particular analytic formation, which follows the Read more


The functions of the mind in the family and in institutions of care


The four functions of the mind considered by Meltzer as essential for the balance among the members of a family, are also important in the work of the operators in care institutions.
Added to this is the ability to learn from experience (Bion), and to welcome unexpected thoughts and events into one’s mind, which can contribute to give meaning to the daily routine.
A novel by Calvino, “The Day of a Scrutineer”, is used in order to describe the change Read more


The newborn observation according to the E. Bick’s method


What we propose in this text is to present the framework and the content of the newborn observation according to the E. Bick’s method and its therapeutic applications, through the prism of my personal experience both as a trainer and as a child psychiatrist, responsible for a public service in what was sought, in organizing the devices of care, inspired by this method.
Bick explored the origins of psychic life by enriching the psychoanalysis’ interest in children Read more




The direct observation of the newborn has been elaborated and proposed by Esther Bick, member of the British Psychoanalytic Society, in the aim to better understand the child’s development in his family environment.
The observation takes place at home once a week for one hour during the first two years of a child’s life. The method takes place in three stages, the first one is the observation, as attentive as possible, the second one is the writing of a report in which the observer tries to reconstruct Read more


Infant Observation and Child Psychoanalysis


How did Infant Research and Infant Observation contribute in Child Psychoanalysis, and how much could they give to Child Psychotherapy? From pioneering ideas of Esther Bick to Italian Psychoanalysis’ precious contributions, we deepen Infant and pre-Infant Observation topics addressed by the Read more


From symbiosis to fusionality: observing the newborn to understand the adult

The main purpose of this article is to describe the path from symbiosis to fusionality, since, despite these two terms are frequently used in the psychoanalytic literature, they are often named in a way that is not always clear, especially the latter.
It is my personal belief that, instead, an explanation and correlation of these two concepts can be extremely useful and that, above all, it can help to understand the importance of studying the newborn for all the psychologists and psychotherapists regardless of the type of patient Read more


“Your eyes are beautiful”, first session of an observation


This is the report of a first observation session, punctuated by comments coming from the supervision work and concluded by a series of more global considerations, which allow to inscribe what was said within a family and physiological evolutionary path.In this text is constantly present the passage between what the family actually puts in place during the session, the contemporary emotional state of the observer, who participates in what happens and questions herself, without yet formulating explanations and, finally, the real elaborations, coming from the supervision sessions that allow to pass from an observation without judgment to an interpretation of Read more


Observations at the nursery: practicing how to attribute meaning to everyday actions

AbstractThe aim of this paper is to show how the psychoanalytically oriented observation method in the tradition of the Tavistock Clinic applied as main tool in the training of educators in the institutional setting of a nursery is a valuable tool for the prevention of possible serious psychopathological situations. The observer acts as a sounding board for the budding links (with children and parents) and participates to everyday life in a joint affective and emotional field that – when reported and shared in the supervision group – can be the engine driving changes in actual dysfunctional situations. The excerpts of observations reported in the paper Read more