
The contemporary virtual network: wandering Oedipus


This article studies how the psychic scene and the representability mobilized by the Network aresimilar to those of the dream. Starting from the representability in the Network, it shows how the Network puts in immediate contiguity the most intimate dimension of the psychism with the dimensions of the collective and even of the mass. The representability of the Network puts transitionality at work. This outlines that intersubjective and collective links on the Network are organized according to a main process: topical transfer. Starting from this observation, this Read more


From the enigmatic traces of the other in computer science to the virtual crowd: The adolescent’s emissary function

AbstractAfter a presentation of the adolescent process the author shows how this process fits into a scene that is anamorphic with the structure of virtual networks on the internet.
Leaning about what he calls the other’s tracks in the object, he demonstrates how the computer object induces certain specific forms of link between the subjects in the network. These forms are close to the phantom that structures the original and the adolescent process: the self-generation in the presence of the other and the two extreme derivatives, the self-generation at the expense of the other and the mono-generation. Read more


Primary narcissism or original narcissism :how narcissism works among groups


In this article, the author relying on the experience of group psychotherapy and group training, tries to go beyond the understanding of the two Freudian concepts of primary narcissism.
The group situation introduces a formal regression, where the imagination takes her hand, because it causes a transference as the one operating in the dream, which changes the relationship between primary narcissism and secondary narcissism, since it changes Read more


Frank or the original death


This article leans on the narrative of a teenager hospitalized after an accident caused by a full of risk behaviour. It shows how the accidents bound to risky behaviors during the adolescence are often unconscious actualization by the teenager of primal scenes. These scenes are often built by turning round the scenes of the primal fantasies related to the human fate to death These accidents have a function to build a new deal of the primal identifications and a new sharing of the psychic positions of each in the family circle and also in the social Read more


Fate of transference in psychoanalytical psychodrama


This article talks about the specific fate of transference in the ways to work with psychoanalytical groups, using psychodrama with antisocial and borderline persons. The diffraction considered in the classic psychotherapy as a resistance, is presented as what sustains group associations, representing a primary factor of transformation and processing in psychodrama. The inversion container/content restores the full valence of topical transference in the work with antisocial subjects as the attempt of fusion or exclusion, respect the establishment of a bond with the other/others, and from which it follows the necessity and the importance to work on the here and now of the feeling and of the psychic Read more


The fate of transference: infinite transformation of original fantasies


Understanding new forms of psychic suffering in our society, especially in the border-line states, is much more relevant if we are able to consider their conduct as being an occurrence of the primal fantasies pertaining to two orders : that of the ritual and that of the myth. Very often, the antisocial behaviour of this type of personality is misunderstood because it is not considered for what it is. It is an expression of primal fantasies, dreams and nightmares whom, when transferred in the social realm, are transfigured into rituals or into private myths. I will attempt to outline this constant transformational form, which operates in dreams, in groups, in myths but also in rituals. Since the publication of the groupal psychic apparatus according to R. Kaës, we can consider as a fact that primal fantasies Read more


How do institutions dream


The author part of the box after that Freud made his topical and thanks to their rewriting topological space, he could understand that, beyond the physiological and psychological need of sleep, even the institutional groups need space for the self-representation conflicts which are crossed. These spaces, to operate according to the principles of  representability dream, must have sufficient quality transformational. Mutations topological he has shown, indicate that, in institutions, we are in Read more