
Thinkable and unthinkable in some Bion’s concepts

N.20 – Published in 2007 – Reprinted in 2008 – edited by Mario Giampà, Stefania Marinelli. Paint by W.R.Bion


Truth and evolution in “O” in Bion’s work

N.19 – Published in 2007 – Reprinted in 2008 –edited by Mario Giampà, Stefania Marinelli. – In the picture W.R.Bion


Disease and the Group

N.18 – Published in 2006 – Reprinted in 2008 – edited by Raffaella Girelli, Francesca N. Vasta. – Cover Darragh Henegan , Then and now


Time and Narration

N.17 – Published in 2006 – Reprinted in 2008 – edited by Stefania Marinelli, Marco Bernabei. Cover Paint – Giorgione, Three Philosophers , 1508-09 . Vienna, Kunsthistorische Museum

Practicing mediations in therapeutic groups

N.16 – Published in 2006 – Reprinted in 2007 –edited by Claudine Vacheret. – The editorial staff, the authors and the editor, Claudine Vacheret thank the photographers that took the photos which derive from the dossier used in the Photolangage method


Group with anorexic patients: therapeutic factors

edited by Francesca N.Vasta, Ottavia Caputo. Gauguin “Parole parole” San pietroburgo Hermitage 62×92 1891

The group of gods from Anthropology to Group Psychotherapy

N.15 – Published in 2005 – Reprinted in 2007 –edited by Alfredo Lombardozzi, Claudio Neri, Enzo Scotto Lavina.


Group Psychoanalytic Psychodrama

N.13 – Published in 2005 – Reprinted in 2007 –edited by Luisa Mele. – Rembrandt, The Painter in His Studio 1629 oil on panel, 25.1×31.9cm Boston Museum of Fine Arts


Narcissism and group

N.12 – Published in 2003 – Reprinted in 2006 –edited by Marcos Bernard. – Ink Painted Cover by Luigi Cappelli


Adult in the childs and adolescents group 2

N.11 – Published in 2002 – Reprinted in 2006 –edited by Angela Baldassarre, Marco Bernabei, Walter Iacobelli. – Cover paint’s by George Seurat: Une baignade, Asnieres, 1883-84 cm 200X300 LONDRA, NATIONAL GALLERY, olio su tela


Mith, Dream and group two

N.10 – Published in 2002 – Reprinted in 2006 –edited by Francesca Vasta, Walter Iacobelli. – Paint by Pablo Picasso, “Famiglia di saltimbanchi”, 1905 olio su tela, 224×234, Washington, National Gallery


Mith, Dream and Group

N.9 – Published in 2002 – Reprinted in 2006 –edited by Francesca Vasta, Walter Iacobelli. – The paint by Piero Della Francesca “Sogno di Costantino” 1452-1466 ; 329 x 190 Arezzo, Chiesa di San Francesco, Cappella Bacci

Groups for intellectually disabled persons

N.8 – Published in 2002 – Reprinted in 2005 – edited by Giuliana Galli Carminati. – Thanks to Lucienne Quellet 10 Route de Menthon 74290 Veyrier du Lac Annecy France for the picture “Soleil”


Individual, Group and Nature

N.7 – Published in 2001 – Reprinted in 2005 edited by Martin Ringer, Francesca Vasta, Federica Giorgi, Walter Iacobelli. – The cover painting by Willie Gudabi ANCESTRAL STORIES-1 (part.) acrylic on canvas – 1990 – 800×400 cm Australia Private Collection


Clinical and training in Homogeneus Group

N.6 – Published in 2001 – Reprinted in 2005 – edited by Silvia Corbella, Simonetta Bruni. “La Danza” Matisse, Henri. Oil on canvas; 260 x 391 cm France. 1910 Hermitage Museum


Adult in the childs and adolescents group

N.5 – Published in 2001 – Reprinted in 2005 – edited by Marco Bernabei


Group Psychoterapy with Psychotic and Borderline Patiens

N.4 – Published in 2001 – Reprinted in 2004 – edited by Howard D. Kibel, Antonello Correale, Mariaclotilde Colucci, Francesca Vasta. – Music” Matisse, Henri. Oil on canvas. 260×389 cm France. 1910 Hermitage Museum


Bion and Foulkes

N.3 – Published in 2000 – Reprinted in 2004 – edited by Stefania Marinelli, Marco Tramonte, Walter Iacobelli. The cover painting by Bronzino

Picasso Demoiselles

Dream and Group two

N.2 – Published in 1999 – Reprinted in 2004 – The cover painting by Pablo Picasso “Allegoria dello spazio e del tempo” – 1547 oil on canvas National Gallery – London

sogno e gruppo

Dream and Group

N.1 – Published in 1999 – Reprinted in 2004 – Gustav Klimt “La vergine” – 190×200 cm olio su tela Praga Narodn Galerie