
Who dreams in the group?


The author proposes to investigate the group dimension of the dream. Shows the clinical material of a mixed group, closed, comprising six participants engaged in this approach for reasons of training or treatment, which meets once a week for two years. According to the ‘author’s interpretation of dreams is the royal road to the unconscious group, in which the work of interpretation rather to fucus of metaphors and metaphorical narratives, but it is interesting to wonder if it is possible to understand the associations Read more


Psycho-Dynamism of dramisation in groups


The author relates the dream to a production typical of the group, the dramatic representation and tries to show the similarities and differences between the two. The author takes into consideration the thought of Anzieu (1963), who pointed out the equivalence between the small group and the dream. A group would be, in a sense, a dream dreamed by various dreamy. If we give the dream a function beyond that of satisfaction of desires processing, its reflection can get even closer comparison of the dream with the actions of a small group of psychoanalysts. The author suggests that dreams, in a group, have one of the main functions in this formalization: its function is to provide models of work and thought the group, as well as matrices for identifying its components. Spaces in which to adapt, or with whom you can establish oppositions. The dreams performing among other functions, to mediate between the production of an individual and the group. Allow it to develop models of reflection and action that can go from one form to the next myth, relatively polysemous Read more


Oneiric icons: the construction of their significance, value and meaning in the group


Icons avoid the disintegration of the transgenerational favoring the passage from mental continuity with the psychic world familiar to mental discontinuity with the same, which is necessary for the development of an alterity that is the discovery of “what’s different on me.” The group aims at this stage, as the matrix “other”, with its own history, different identically story brought by the individual, at the base of the immutability of mental health problems. The group becomes the site of emergence of a more authentic self, which does not need a mask or to project its Otherness (diversity) from the original matrix of a world of images as far as you near your unconscious that Read more


The impact of the female analytic group leader’s gender as revealed in dreams of male members: a clinical exploration


The psychoanalytic literature has always believed that the sex of the therapist is not a significant variable in treatment. Eroticized transference has positive potential, facilitating, restorative and invigorating. “Eroticized” capture the plasticity of sexuality, and creative ways of human beings who can be loved, and eroticize Read more


Dream, group and toucht Thoughts about a dream of Didier Anzieu


The relationship between thought, the subject, the group and the dream. From a reading of a dream of  D. Anzieu given in the context of an interview and published, the author has placed emphasis on the components groupal thought that this dream appears to stage. The group is the operator required a cleavage fruitful. To think is to project the group that the subject can’t bind. The thought is marked by reports that the subject has with internal and external Read more


Presentation of clinical material about a therapeutic group of teenagers


The author presents a group of duration of one year, which is constituted by six members aged between 16 and 22 minutes. The sessions are weekly duration of an hour and thirty minutes. In the first session the therapist has been an active dreamer with his eyes open for the entire group. Through the image of the “History endless” returned to the members of their existential position of “waiting for the dust grains destructiveness of anything,” however, able to bring to life “the world of Fantasy.” Making possible an imaginative capacity even on content so deadly has mobilized members in the hope of salvation, enabling them to project themselves in a constructive future. In the next session in fact, the boys lead the group through dreams-nightmares, anxieties related to their representation of self. The character Zero represents the part of self-restraint miserable and therefore feared. Its representation in ridiculous allowed them to tolerate, accept and make be faced by themselves. In this way the children were able to produce a dramatic shift from existential emptiness (Zero), forced to imagine a magical and omnipotent force (God), which alone can deal with it, hope to be able to use at least “that one grain of dust, “as a Read more


Group and dream in departments of organic illness. The homogeneous group in the hospital department


So that what seems significant to us, relative to the theme of the groups iconic and oneiric production, concerns its specific function in the group dealing with organic illness. This function is connected with the need to represent the bodys internal events, to give them a shape and communicable expression, to provide them with a sense which can be shared and mentally represented. The understanding of these representational elements, so important for re-establishing the ties between body and mind and between trauma and rebuilding, may set in hand a process of transformation and evolution. In particular, in the group considered, it was possible to pinpoint levels which were more and more touched by the affections of a central fantasy connected with the neoplastic illness: the annihilating and fragmenting invasion of the tumour, bearer of anxiety of death, corresponds to an early primitive defect, connected with problems of inseparability, which gave rise to an area of ice, devoid of life and absolutely inconceivable, invasive and generating death to the point of persecution, to be ashamed of. The organisation of this fantasy, fostered by dreaming, enables the group to pass from a concrete, symmetrical and specular arrangement, of the Read more


How do institutions dream


The author part of the box after that Freud made his topical and thanks to their rewriting topological space, he could understand that, beyond the physiological and psychological need of sleep, even the institutional groups need space for the self-representation conflicts which are crossed. These spaces, to operate according to the principles of  representability dream, must have sufficient quality transformational. Mutations topological he has shown, indicate that, in institutions, we are in Read more


Dream and families


At the sitting family or couple in principle after the dream every member associations to the dream. The final interpretation takes into account the collective work, rather it is itself the fruit of collective work. The dream interpretation considers the expression of the general shared, but must also respect diversity and unique individual defenses. In the subjectivity analytic  space of couple and family interpretation accentuates its size research and building a sense of shared and open to the contribution of other family members that play in this sense, a co-therapeutic function. However, it shall also report to individual differences, the defenses of the individual than collective and transgenerational anxiety, defense mechanisms transpersonal and the use of the other. In any case, the communication session in a dream represents a point of processing to which the family group is reached and a Read more


Dream in group experience


The group is a dream that cannot be explained, an experience influenced by institutional biases, that can however find reassurance in the conductor’s figure. Is dream a system of self representation for groups and persons capable of producing deep emotional meanings, unconscious language and expression for communicating Read more


Oneiric constellations and group field


The new thoughts, not yet thought of, can become accessible through the creation, experience and discovery of what the author has called the constellation dream produced by re-dreamed by the group. The dreamer performs the function of “observation outpost” which on the whole, from his vertex, and with his autobiographical language, offers the group clues suitable to pinpointing an emerging and as yet unknown constellation of meaning. In addition, the  author puts emphasis on the responsibility of the analyst in this context. The function of the analyst is certain to develop a narrative that gives meaning to the experience of place, but also to be able to keep alive a particular “attention” (in Bion’s sense) that promotes development through affective interaction of the components of embryonic connections between the split parts (double) in the group. According to the ‘author’ s analyst Read more


A therapeutical community on its way towards dreaming


For about a year, that is since we have assumed the community project ‘therapeutic responsibility for the structure has been given to a psychiatrist (psychoanalytic psychotherapist) to which were joined a psychologist (group analyst and expert in institutional dynamics), a clinical psychologist doctor (psychoanalytic psychotherapist, expert group phenomena), a psychiatrist (psychotherapist with special training in psychodrama). The authors are two psychologists, one leads to an experiential group with members of the structure, the other part weekly group organization and planning. A brief description of some of the tracks the experiences of these two moments groupal. The authors from experience groupal, observe that in some places appear fantasies similar to those that occur during pregnancy: what seems to us to support the use of metaphor (the teacher who proposes the work on the garden perhaps testifies to a fantasy of care something that is growing, the mental group, the possibility of therapeutic work with patients, Read more


The use of dreams in group analysis” touching intangibles”


The dreams have a natural symbolic language that can be difficult to understand and every dream is something new. Jung compares dreams to an unknown foreign language. The symbol in a dream is a fact, it means what it is. It must be understood, not as if it were a facade to hide. The language of the dreamer is in the signs and symbols, figures of people are also archetypal motifs as the treasures in a cave, the hero’s journey, the cross a river. One of the symbolic forms of the archetype of the Self appears in a Mandala, the magic circle, the main symbol of unity, the transcendent Self, Jung often describes images like this. Freud asserts that symbols are signs with a fixed meaning and uniformity of meaning. The dream has changed its value in moving from the point of view of a person to two people. Foulkes was a psychoanalyst who wrote the classic short on dreams. He believed that Freud: “The dream is an individual creation is not intended to be made public, nor to be communicated to others. He points out that dreams are influenced by the situation of the dreamer and that must be understood in the context of the transference. He defines his attitude towards the dream as “capacitor phenomena,” the members lose their strength and are lost each other in deep unconscious levels. emotional loads are generated and stored and then dumped in a shared event of the group, often dreams support this event. Foulkes emphasizes that the group is the background of the dream: “Every dream recounted in a group is owned by the group and should be left to the group analysis”, for example, sometimes they are ignored, sometimes are Read more


Dreams and serious pathologies in the group: the Potential of the Dimension of Dreaming in the Group when Dreaming is not possible


“The group that there isn’t ” means is that from time to time with the participation of patients in that day, and also that the dismissal of someone or the entry of new patients constantly changes the composition of the group. Presence of a new group for each session, in addition to clearly delimit the ability of the individual and the group to operate significant changes introduced into the room a special quality of time: a time without history, which narrowed and simultaneously accelerated, often beyond Read more


Group dreams as fractal images


In fractal geometry, a fractal is an object with a complex branched structure subtly, gradually enlarging a portion of the structure are out details that remain the same at all scales of growth. fractals are not expressed by primary forms, but by algorithms. In this sense, the analytic group can be considered, using the theory of chaos, as the analogue of a fractal. The analytic group is the meeting point, the scene where you are replicating primordial collective dynamics and dynamics very personal, the group is the focal Read more


Dreams in a group session: telling a dream as an instrument to develope one’ s own individuality


In this paper some reflections will be formulated about a possible use of the dream as a useful tool to understand and have a view on the state of individual mind, related to group work, in a brief number of sessions of a psychotherapic group, managed in a Psichiatric Public Clinic. Then the process of telling dreams within a group, seems to bring meaningful traces of such an immersion in the inter-subjective plot, which I consider our original condition of being in the world as humans. Within a group, such a plot is alive and present, can be seen, listened, and this experience facilitates a possibility to gather access to personal, remote memories, and touching such ancient roos seems to allow a significant Read more


Traumatic representations associated with separation. Acting as dreams that can not be dreamed


The presentation deals with the reactions to the absence of a therapist. The re-enactment, triggered by the absence of a therapist, provokes an automatic response of hyper-arousal that deprives the patients of the ability to modulate and control anxiety and aggression. This enhances the probability of acting-out. An acting can be regarded as a reactive action disconnected from its emotional symbolic meaning, as a dream that can not be dreamed, a coded message of unbearable painful mental content Read more


Experiental group and dream


The experiential group has a duration defined, a beginning and an end, known by the participants. A purpose, not therapeutic, but explicitly and programmatically “experiential”. A conductor having acquired expertise on the events – the “effects” – the unconscious, is able to perceive what is happening in the group and not only to provide “interpretations”, but also to support and facilitate the processes of communication and thought, suggesting images that promote the ability to self-representation of the group. The experiential group is then placed in an institutional framework that traces the boundaries in space and time and determines its goals: knowledge through the experience of how the mind moves in a group that has set itself the task of observing what that happens inside. Implicit in this approach, as the authors try to clarify later, the idea that the ‘”experience” is a social construct and the outcome of a process of working that involves elements of intersubjectivity and communication. Little by little, the dreams begin to appear in communications that take place during Read more