
From soma to psyche. The journey of the Sapiens

Abstract – for all contributions

Ferrari’s psychoanalytic hypothesis is based on the idea that the mind acquires the drive for its own evolution from the body. From this approach also derives the idea that disharmonious balances can be created between the components of the individual system, especially between the body dimension and the psychic dimension, which are in mutual relation, and sometimes also that a rediscovered balance of the body can help a path of recovery in states of mental suffering. The experience that Fausta Romano has been developing for some time, searching for practices that can accompany the path between analyst and analysand Read more


Introduction Adolescents, group and new representations at the time of the internet

“…and it was during that time that the city began to hear about the Captains of the Sands, abandoned children who lived by stealing. No one ever knew the exact number of children who lived that way. There were at least a hundred, and more than forty of them slept in the ruins of the old warehouse.
Dressed in rags, dirty, half-starved, aggressive, cursing, and smoking cigarette-butts, they were, in truth, the masters of the city, the ones who knew it completely, the ones who loved it completely, its poets.” (Amado, 1937).
Thus, almost a century ago, Jorge Amado described a typical presence of Brazilian metropolises, meninos da rua, bands of street children abandoned by poor and marginalized families. Because of their state of neglect and abject poverty, their group was (and in some cases still is) their strength, a family with well-defined rules, values and organization, permeated by a strong sense of belonging sealed by a hostile world which, urged by a need for consumerist progress, has no room for them. Read more


“I have a recurring dream…” Experiencing or imagining? Reclusion, proto-depression, peer group


Adolescence is considered a specific stage of human beings, well distinct from childhood and adulthood. Not a middle way, but a condition in itself, with specific characteristics, anguishes, and defense modalities. After a brief introduction on the hypothesis developed by psychoanalyst Armando B. Ferrari in The Eclipse of the Body, who considers the body as a unique object of the mind, which is produced by the body itself, Adolescence is described as one of the first moments in which the body emerges from the eclipse. Short clinical vignettes show anxieties and defenses, and focus on the use made at this age of resources such as literature, poetry, movies, the imaginary world, social networks, and the peer group. Read more