
Introduction “Roman days of multi family psychoanalysis”

Presenting the work on multi-family psychoanalysis exposed during the Roman Days of Multi-Family Psychoanalysis is a source of great joy and pride. It’s been a while since a small group of mental health workers decided to organize three days of perer confrontation and exchange with professionals from different places in the world.
Andrea Narracci, Claudia Tardugno, Federico Russo, Luciana De Franco and Fiorella Ceppi Read more


Multiplicity of groups, individuality of the person

This paper aimed to analyse, through the contributions of authors from different disciplines, how duality, and plurality and internal (and often unconscious) multiplicity seem to be the structural elements of individuality. The individual’s mind seems to be organized around configurations of multiple and discontinuous states of the Self with varying degrees of awareness. The ability to integrate individual multiplicities and discontinuities is based on the fundamental function of the mind to objectify/subjectify Read more