Introdution, Groups for intellectually disabled persons

In this issue we present four papers in which the authors refer different group experiences and group therapies with ID persons. Three of the papers are written by therapists of the Units of Psychiatry of Mental Development in Geneva (UPDM – Unité de Psychiatrie du Développement Mental) A paper of general purpose, describes the care tools and the group techniques in the domain of UPDM. One other article relates the discussion and information group about psychotropic medication. A third paper describes a discussion and exchange group, on an informal appearance, having the aim to close the week and prepare D persons to a fearless week-end. A forth paper is prepared by NN and describes an experience in a educational group working on the ID persons evolution toward autonomy. Read more

Group therapy in a mentally disabled population: from contraindication to specificity


It is impossible to speak about group therapy or group in the optic of mental disability without considering the therapeutic context into which these activities are inserted. The Geneva canton decided and this as far back as the seventies to dedicate a specific psychiatric care for the intellectually disabled, when needed. Parallel to this, thanks to the family associations possessing a specific political will, have developed living and working environments, where activities are both occupational or leisurely, and which following a “built to fit” measure have tried to meet the different needs of this extremely diverse population. Therefore in Geneva, parallel to our unit, there Read more

Coffee & Cookies group


We propose the presentation of an experience in hospital and day-hospital units: “the coffee and cookies group.” This verbal group, created in 1997 in the psycho-educational dependence of hospitals units of UPDM continues today in the actual context of the Day Hospital. This group is leaded by a psychologist and an educator, as well as by a co-entertaining nurse. It represents one of the first attempts of group work in hospital surroundings, with a population composed of adults with intellectual disability, mild to severe, and Read more