
Introduction, Group Psychoanalytic Psychodrama

How can Psychodrama provide a contribution to group psychotherapy? How is it possible to connect these two practices?
My memories went back to the short experience of training with Jennie and Paul Lemoine and to my recent participation in the passionate “lectures/demonstrations”, given by Luisa Mele and Paola Cecchetti at “La Sapienza” University. Thereafter, the reading of the articles of this number of Funzione Gamma suggested the usefulness of analysing three possible areas of intersection.

1. Action/ acted

Freud considers action- together with attention, numbering, judgement and Read more


Inextricable apeira


The article talks about the theory of psychodrama as it is actualized and played in the centre Apeiron. The importance to transmit this instrument of work to the generations of psychotherapists, is in the necessity of a permanent training, of Seminars, of Supervision, of Cartels, of the plan made by the school Sipsa- Coirag (1), and of  psychoanalysis. The methodological value of psychodrama is to combine technique with a psychoanalytical theory as an own device of word’s practice in which the subject makes a question and through the word finds the relation of desire with the question that is heterogeneous. Desire that meets the lack in the development of the lost jouissance’s Read more


Psychodrama and the Effects of Presence


In this article the psychodrama, presented from the experience of groups of adults that made psychotherapy, introduces to the field of “limit states”. The description of the group dimension shows the effects of presence as systems of tension-attention due to the presence of individuals and to the immediate bond that develops between them. It is queried from the exercise of the interlinking functions in little therapeutic groups, their organization and Read more


The work of intersubjectivity in the elaboration of traumatic experience through psychodrama


In this article is described how the elaboration of a massive traumatic experience can find some support and resources in the psychoanalytic process of group’s psychodrama. The  characteristics of the groupal  psychoanalytic situation qualify for a psychic particular work whose modes, dynamics and economy profit by  the work of intersubjectivity, the groupal associative process, the plurality of figurative references and the polyphony Read more


Fate of transference in psychoanalytical psychodrama


This article talks about the specific fate of transference in the ways to work with psychoanalytical groups, using psychodrama with antisocial and borderline persons. The diffraction considered in the classic psychotherapy as a resistance, is presented as what sustains group associations, representing a primary factor of transformation and processing in psychodrama. The inversion container/content restores the full valence of topical transference in the work with antisocial subjects as the attempt of fusion or exclusion, respect the establishment of a bond with the other/others, and from which it follows the necessity and the importance to work on the here and now of the feeling and of the psychic Read more


A Teaching Experiment at the University of Rome: Theory, Method and Technique of Analytical Psychodrama


The article presents the experience of a teaching-encounter on psychodrama between two professorships of Sapienza- University of Rome, with the aim to introduce students enrolled at the fourth year of the Psychology’s Faculty to learn in the way to point on a creative research. Psychodrama is defined from the activation of a field in which the word makes possible the play, and in which the roles taken, interacted or represented by the members of the group as “auxiliary ego” distinguished in time and space from that had in past, are taled and take a fundamental importance. Read more


The clinical place common to psychoanalysis and psychodrama


The discussion on the article questions psychoanalysis and psychodrama about the possibility to recognize a clinic and unic place beyond the difference of the processings. So psyichodrama is presented in the ability to promote the reworking of any clinic situation with the aim to reactivate in another clinic contest Read more


Psychodramatic play as an inductor of rêverie


The aim of this article is to mark the particularity of the supervision in a psychodrama setting, underlining the importance to promote into the psychotherapist the ability of “construction” that develops and takes forces from reverie. The play is presented as a instrument of fragmentation of the precedent representations of the inner and external world that for each one can coincide with their dominant ghost, making possible that in a visual and sonorous more consistent at a perceptive level, space, it is promoted that ability of reverie that founds the fundamental construction of Read more


To be and to have: to count


Using psychodrama with psychotics in Institutions that work on territory, makes a significant time of a journey into the group, where the psychotic “takes value” in presence. In this article the group of psychodrama is introduced as the instrument that authorizes each member of an institution to face up the complex realities Read more


Dramatization and imagination in the “Squared Civitas” The psychosis is not an island


The two papers we are going to present are focused on the theme of the image –particularly pictorial representation- in order to describe more efficiently experienced reality. The aim is to present the importance to conjugate our passion for psychodrama’s technique with the rigour of theoretical research that is necessary for our work’s development. The first article of S. Tedaldi, offers an iconic description based on visual, universal and immediate  symbols that words don’t always have. The second paper of A. Iannotta refers to what Lacan discerns in the incisiveness of visual experience as a solution to language’s ambiguity. In Hobelin’s painting The ambassadors the discovering of an Read more