
Current ideas of Bionian thought on thought


In this paper the model of “Motivational Darwinism” is discussed. Starting from Bion’s concept of protothought, the author elaborates upon possible relationships between emotional and symbolic representations that arise from experience. The psychoanalytical interpretation is presented as a vitalising summary of emotion and Read more


Notes on painting of W.R. Bion

Then,’ the gardener went on, ‘to the right the valley opens up and you can see across the meadows and trees and far into the distance (J.W. Goethe, Die Wahlverwandtschaften , trad. Eng. Elective Affinities)

There is more sky than earth in Bion’s landscapes in an open space and built by horizontal planes, but he gives imposing prevailing images and enables the spectator to have the freedom to follow him directly everywhere.

Looking is not restricted, has perspective points of escape, starts from the border of the painting, penetrating into a landscape, mindful of the experience of the landscape gardening, where the mastery of the different Charles Bridgeman (1680-1738), William Kent (1684-1748), un Lancelot Brown (1715-1783), is used to √create surroundings beyond the architectural geometry of Italian gardening, becoming larger without any solution of century, from the foreground of flowers and bushes, to the remoteness of fields and dark shadows of woods above the horizon, in order to give up the infinity of the sky and the passage of clouds and the passage of clouds.

From the veiled reminiscence of John Constable’s (1776-1837) atmospheres, the movement of clouds in the sky, real hero of Bion’s creation : it acts as a counterpoint to the quietness of fields and invites to reflect on the process of continuous transformation of forms.


Introduction, Narcissism and group

Sigmund Freud, in “Totem and Taboo” (1912-13) and in “ Psychology of the masses and Ego analysis” (1921) provided us with ideas in order to approach the complex theme of relationships between narcissism and group. It is known as Freud made use of Darwin’s hypothesis about the origins of human society, so he described a primeval horde, dominated by a strong male, put together by libidinal relationships (1912). Focusing on the identification processes which happen between horde members and the idealized leader, Freud affirmed that the process of identification since the beginning had been intrinsically ambivalent and could not even cause any metaphoric version and a cannibal incorporation and distribution of the loved object. Such a dominating person could be “absolutely narcissistic” and “self sufficient”. This figure might have the nature of the leader who, doesn’t love the members of the mass, while these last ones have often the illusion about being loved from their primeval father and sob they are submitted to his authority. Freud (1921) affirmed – quoting ironically Read more