
Group dreams as fractal images


In fractal geometry, a fractal is an object with a complex branched structure subtly, gradually enlarging a portion of the structure are out details that remain the same at all scales of growth. fractals are not expressed by primary forms, but by algorithms. In this sense, the analytic group can be considered, using the theory of chaos, as the analogue of a fractal. The analytic group is the meeting point, the scene where you are replicating primordial collective dynamics and dynamics very personal, the group is the focal Read more


Group analysis of those who deal with dying


To build up the trust of the participants in a group with dying patients, the therapist must make himself available as a transitional object due to the intense need for an object and the need for dependence expressed by the participants. On the other hand, the need to empathise with such strong and painful sentiments can represent a challenge for the therapist, activating powerful counter-transference reactions, such as fear of being overwhelmed, anger and negation. If the therapist knows how to deal with this delicate equilibrium, the group will be able to provide valuable aid for coming to terms with, and to integrate, the profound and ambivalent unconscious feelings evoked by Read more