The Cartallegra group


I would like to share with you what an experience of a group is. From the October 1999 up to the June 2001, I lived this experience together with all young people carrying a mental handicap. I wish all people like managers, families and friends who approached the mental handicap universe and/or will do approach it, could get some reflections on this matter. Once per week, I was the conductor of this group which took place in a Rome lab with some of these young people carrying a mental handicap. In that period this lab was the primary structure of the association called “Cartallegra Onlus” and because of a lack of funds, it was obliged to end its activities by the end of September 2001. To begin with, I would like to explain to you all the reasons why I felt it was important to carry on this psychological/clinical work. Therefore, in the very first two paragraphs, I will provide you with some short information on the lab and how I decided to offer my Read more


Presentation, Disease and the Group

I have the pleasure of presenting NO 18 of Funzione Gamma: “Disease and the Group”. On the whole, the different contributions in this number have the aim of exploring the notion of disease and pointing out how such a notion acquires a greater complexity, and is enriched conjunctively with further keys to the reading and therapeutic potentialities when the phenomenon disease is seen and treated in a small analytical group. The interest in deepening the notion of disease has absorbed Claudio Neri and his chair (Basis of group dynamics) for many years by setting up connection with experts coming from different disciplines Read more


The conception of Disease: historical, anthropological and clinical observations


The authors present a dialogue aimed at illuminating the concept of disease, within a complex and multidisciplinary. Following a historical development of the concept, are first identified the elements of the value of Hippocratic medicine, and then articulate the notion with the developments that it has received as part of psychoanalysis and group psychoanalysis. To better understand the concept of disease in the latter area, are also used contributions from the anthropological studies of some cultures that have Read more


Presentation: Anorexia, Adolescence, Group

In 2004, Funzione Gamma introduced the 14th edition of “Groups with anorexic patients: therapeutic factors”. Today, we are glad to present the continuation of the dialogue we started back then, to further proceed in our attempt to combine theoretical model and clinical intervention in the 24th edition of “Anorexia, Adolescence, Group”. The title already hints that the theme of identity constitutes the invisible path that will guide us through this edition. As Rouchy (1987) writes, “It is impossible to declare our identity without naming one of the multiple groups to which we belong”. As human beings, we live in groups. Our sense of identity arises and develops from these various affiliations. The group is an essential element of human existence: men are born in groups, they play in groups, they fight in groups and against groups, and all religious and heathen rites are celebrated in groups. In the field of neuroscience, research has shown how the mind develops through relationships. The development of our nervous system is an experience-dependant process: in the early stages of life, significant relationships are the main source of experience, which also modulate genic expression at a brain level. Relationships with others have a great influence on the brain. The circuits that mediate social experience, are closely related to those Read more