
Group Field in the Subjective Adolescent Constitution


In puberty-adolescence, the group allows and favours in the adolescent the pathway towards subjectivation, transmitting a feeling of social belonging through the use of games of reciprocal identifications. At the end of this process, the adolescent may think similarly, but at the same time differently, to the other members of the group, who are travel companions in the fundamental step from endogamy to exogamy. This transition guarantees the existence of cultural order which forms the basis of the social discussion and collectivity Read more


Field Theory and the Internal Group as a Model of the Psyche

A distinction is drawn between psychoanalysis of the link and the link perspective of psychoanalysis. Pichon Riviere´s notion of the internal group – a notion which is lesser known and infrequently used – would appear to be the theory which is most compatible with the latter of these perspectives. This approach requires a reformulation of the conception of the individual in relation to society and culture and, as a consequence, suggests a change of emphasis from classic theories. Ultimately, the psyche is considered, from a psychoanalytical perspective, as the product of the meeting of dispositional biology and the imprint that society and culture leave on the individual. The socio-cultural influence on the individual is mediated by means of the immediately surrounding human groups. Rather than seeing ‘conflict’ in Read more


Reflections on a Story: Group, on the Processes of Change and Identificatory Reorganization


The authors present a story that does not represent the analytic situation, but a testimony that needed the presence of other, with capacity for reverie, able to contain a space of meanings to enable the processing and reprocessing of phenomena of the lived experience, interwoven in a symbolic plot.
The story is about the history and emotional experience lived by a 19 year old young man during the historical moment related to the economic, politic and social collapse due to the Nazi invasion in Poland.
The reflection is about the psychic change and the processes of identificatory rearrangements implied in it.
We emphasize that this story cannot be understood from the intrapsychic, with its structures and functions, alone. We think that each subject has a place in a group and in the family structure from his origin; and this group has a place in his mind, not only in what arises from the oedipal identifications and the organization of the Superego-Ego-ideal system, but also from the social representations that build the social historic subjectivity. What is incorporated psychically are not merely instances but linking structures, in a group conception of the mind about a subject imbedded Read more


Group Field and School Context.


We have chosen the previous quotation because we consider it accounts for some unconscious beliefs shared by the social groups which are part of the community, such us parents, journalists, teachers, students, politicians and leaders. Based on Bion’s approach to groups, we could say that the aforementioned groups show beliefs that make them work as Basic Assumption Groups, either because school represents the << Leader>> or because it embodies << the Messiah>> who solves whatever happens, or because school turns dangerous and becomes the object to << Fight>>; in short, because school does not fulfill the expectations pinned on it. This is what we have found in discourses and representations analyzed in a research on << Violence Breaking out at Schools>> conducted through the years 2005 and 2011.
The research placed focus on the different teaching levels in Southern Greater Buenos Aires (Province of Buenos Aires) and Northeastern area of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.
On this article, we focus on reflections upon the groups from the secondary level of official education, based on the sample upon which the fieldwork was conducted. We will deal with the collective representations parents, teachers and adolescents have about << what they feel, think and do as integral groups of school as institution>> when some critical incident breaks out in school scene.
Surveys, interviews and participant observations were carried out so as to identify what each group understands by << violence>>, what Read more


The trauma of childbirth: fallen from the nest. Clinical Narcissism applied to families with hospitalized babies.


Premature birth is a trauma. Being born prematurely is traumatic.
This paper tries to explore the cracks and unexpected situations, created by technical advances and suggests ways for the psychic survival of the mother-son bond. An analogy is used between children’s stories about broken nests saved by fairies and elves and these dramatic day-to-day stories occur thanks to the latest technology and, where the pediatricians are now represented as the heroes.
How do parents cope with this situation? How do they work through this?
How do mothers cope with having to stay in hospital? A group session of mothers is used to get to know their feelings, their ways of speaking, their perceptions and their logic of caring. It signals the importance of providing a safe and secure environment for the abreaction and elaboration of this situation. The place is thought of as a balancing structure that Read more


Psychoanalytical field and process


The conception of a psychoanalytical process derives from the mental models within which we operate.
The epistemological perspective of mental phenomena considers emotionality to be the source of meaning for links and the seed of the thoughts which will develop the thinking aparatus. The elaboration task lies on the ways of processing emotional experiences undergone during the session and the restrictions to learn Read more


Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytical Field: the experience of alterity


Freud postulated that going through “an experience of the unconscious” is the only possible way of becoming an analyst.
Psychoanalysis is a method, an asymmetric device that carries in its core the seed of the interplay of relationships of which this experience consists. It is a novel form of social link that promotes tan experience of radical alterity.
The countertransference and the topic of the person and the presence of the analyst are discussed together with the notion of position in the device and the “desire of the analyst” as en engine for the cure .
An interpretation is accurate when it produces effects , has con-sequences , re-launches the process.
The experience is extreme and interior, can not  be authorized  by any previous  knowledge since all knowledge  has been questioned , Read more


W. Bion, D. Meltzer. Social and Individual Thought in Psychoanalysis


The purpose of this work is to focus on the psychoanalytical concepts which, after Freud, Ferenczi and M. Klein, were developed by Bion and Meltzer, who are the ones who continued their work.
Bion (1961) is usually identified as an author who, due to his great creativity, has conceptualized institutional and group phenomena. In his book about group experience, he clearly and accurately stated mental phenomena, which exist in every human group. As it has been already mentioned, Bion has assigned an important role to leadership within group phenomena, which will give form to a group mentality, which states a parallelism with a politics level.
Meltzer, inspired in M. Klein, will take an interest in spaces as we will see (more deeply) a little bit later. However, he is beginning to support Read more


Some introductory notes on the development of psychoanalysis in Argentina


The birth and evolution of the psychoanalytic movement in Argentina, both on a theoretical and clinical on an institutional level, set up the story of a complex evolutionary process, where you can show how the influences of European psychoanalysis have gone gradually to represent the cultural base from which many authors are parties to develop a methodological framework at the same time articulate and creative.
Thanks to the valuable work of Samuel Arbiser (2003), it is possible to distinguish five evolutionary periods, defined as “pre-institutional”, “pioneer”, “institutional”, “crisis in the 70s”, “current”.
In a century, the psychoanalytic school of Argentina, which was formally established in 1930 with the establishment dell’Associaciòn Argentine Psychoanalytic Association (APA), has seen the emergence of historical figures such as E. Pichon Rivière, J Bleger, D. Liberman, W. Baranger, H. Etchegoyen – just to name a few – which account for their Read more



The Buenos Aires Psychoanalytic Association (APdeBA) has reached thirty five years in 2012.
In all these years APdeBA has been included in the psychoanalytic and cultural milleu in our community and has an important place in the national and international organizations to which it belongs.
One of the more important intelectual assets of APdeBA is its  atmosphere of pluralism, openness and freedom of thought in which the members develop their interests in different orientations, which allows for rich and fruitfull exchanges.
The openness and pluralism that characterizes APdeBA at present are in fact the product of a tendency that has been sustained in the course of the years and is at present a valuable feature of the institution in every occasion.
APdeBA has reached a very important and valuable position at national and international levels as a member of FEPAL (Federation of Latin American psychanalytic Associations) and IPA (International Psychoanalytic Association). Members of APdeBA have distinguished themselves in local, Latinamerican and Read more