

Professor Marinelli provided an exhaustive introduction to the subject matter of this edition, therefore I would like to take this opportunity to add my personal experience and thoughts related to the Conference of the Institute of Group Analysis “Rasztów”, as well as the idea of creating this publication in the internet magazine Funzione Gamma.
I would like to start by expressing my gratitude to Professor Stefania Marinelli for accepting our invitation and creating this very interesting work out of this inspiration. Thank you, on behalf of myself and all the Conference participants invited to contribute Read more


Presentation of the edition

At the Conference organized in the spring of last year 2017 by the “Rasztòw Group Analysis Institute” in Warsaw: The desire for homogeneity and conflict (Pragnienie jednorodnosci a konflikt) at the University Library, some vibrant thematic cores were presented and discussed, considerably interesting to the work of the groups, starting from the presentation of

Maciej Zbyszewskion the leading of groups with war veterans, in which conditions emerged of the extraordinary nature of war experiences and the difficulty of transforming the conflicts. In the group, the needs of the subjects, punctually identified, appeared linked to chronic dimensions of estrangement Read more


Indifference. An everyday autism


In this paper the author reflects on the curious fact that the human being from infancy relates to others, starting with mother, from the first weeks, but later in life appears able to switch off that engagement with others and to treat them with indifference and callous disregard. Read more


Dialectic of War Trauma

The paper refers to the theoretical and clinical analysis of work with homogeneous groups on the example of war veterans group therapy. In particular, the specificity of psychological content developed by veterans referring to traumatic experiences related to the uniqueness of the war is explored. The conflicts and needs of people who live in a chronic state of separation from contact with civil society are subject to analysis. Such phenomena as the durability of Read more


Separately or together? Homogeneous or heterogeneous groups in the context of countertransference. A commentary on the paper by Maciej Zbyszewski entitled “War Trauma Dialectic”

This article is a commentary on the paper by Maciej Zbyszewski concerning his work with soldiers who returning from war missions. My work with Holocaust survivors and consequences of working with homogeneous groups are discussed in the context of war trauma. In my opinion therapeutic group Read more


Therapeutic and analytical group field with anorexic patients


In this contribution there are two main questions related to clinical conceptualizations in the psychoanalytic field which can be adopted in the work with the anorexic patients. 1. The first concerns the question of whether anorexia can be described as an independent psychoneurosis, such as, in Freud’s classification of psychoneurosis, the obsessive syndrome. 2. The second question concerns the possibility of conceiving that when the patients are disturbed at the oral level, or more generally in Read more


Commentary on Dr S. Marinelli’s paper “The field of therapeutic and analytic group of female anorectic patients”

  1. Theoretical part of my commentary

As a way of introduction to her thoughts on the work with anorectic patients Dr S. Marinelli outlines the field of theoretical works and considerations dealing with the problem of anorexia nervosa. In this field – apart from the works of numerous Italian authors – we find the work of W.R. Bion and some of his theoretical Read more


A group-analytic model to create a personal and social dynamic identity


A group-analytic model to create a personal and social dynamic identity.
Identity needs time to build up, to learn flexibility and adaptability while maintaining a sense of self-consistence,a time difficult to find in contemporary society dominated by expectation of “everything at once” We, as psychoanalysts, can help to restart the time in all its articulations from what Pontalis (1997) calledFifth seasonan evoking Read more


Transmission of violence: sharing and transforming pain in analytical work


This paper intends to discuss the issue of violence in the links with the help of three case histories. It will first illustrate a case of couple psychotherapy, then a case of group psychotherapy and lastly a clinical vignette concerning group psychotherapy directed to the staff of an institution. Group psychotherapy was performed with the Read more


Social violence and migration: the emergence of traumatic traces in a Photolangage® group


In a context of social violence and great precariousness, contemporary migratory flows call into question our care devices and in particular the individual setting. The issue regarding potential traumas due to forced migration put us in front of the complexity of the clinical picture in a transcultural context. Through an original device based on the use of image mediation in a group of asylum seekers, we will try to show how the use of group therapy, on the one hand, and photographic mediation, on the other, can give a Read more


Accepting death anxiety and agliophobia and their emotional transformation in a Laboratory Group


A group of psychologists and psychotherapists involved in different health care services for people with severe, lethal or deeply disabling somatic illnesses discuss the difficulty of their job when tackling the pain of the limit, the loss, death and emotional resonance it evokes.
The identification with terminal or severely injured patients is a difficult process: it sometimes leads to a defensive distancing, in other Read more