
N.26 – Published in 2011 –edited by Silvia Corbella, Stefania Marinelli, Paola Russo. – The geometrical structure and written language tend to dissolve, lose their borders and definition and evoke an emotional universe. The narration remains as a significant graphicalstructur which is very distant from a conventional specific point of reference. The light from the gold and the vital intensity of the red contrast the lead of the support, a dull material, heavy and opaque. The work testifies to the co-existence of currents of contrasting affects, that pick out an alternate route which promotes the internal exchange between abstract, disciplined mental regions and primitive levels that are archaic, somatic expressions.

Presentation, “Sensoriality, corporeity, and sexuality in the group”

«Precious pregnancy»: The bodily and emotional perceptions of pregnant women through a qualitative study of their drawings

The body creates the head: sensations inventions and affective transformations in gruoups of children

Experience made concrete: the body-mind relationship and possible transformational processes in Group Therapy

Corporeity in psychotic communication: an institutional experience of group phsycoanalitical therapy

“Is there the group?” About “complex” patients in the analytical experience