

Krista: thirty plus years of treatment in a borderline group


This article describes as a patient, Krista, after twenty-five years of group therapy begins to resolve her capacity to mourn. She has resolved her aloneness issues and has developed the capacity for sadness. She has taken in the solid introject of Dr. Shaskan and has been able to remain “affectively connected to the therapist…in the face of current ambivalence, that is, libidinal object constancy must have been achieved”. Krista has moved from a state of aloneness to one of lonliness in which she can miss Dr. Shaskan and long for him, all manifestations of libidinal object constancy. At the same time, her primitive guilt is modified so that she can experience his loss with anger with minimal destructive self-punishment: she develops a psycho-somatic illness shortly after his death. In conclusion, what happens for Krista is that in her capacity to mourn Dr. Shaskan, she develops the capacity to mourn for her own life and her own tragedies. In so doing, she begins to explore the issues that are illustrated in Dr. Adler’s phase three; namely, the reliving of old experiences. She begins to confront the sexual abuse she has received from her father and uncle and to begin a life long task of repair from this horror. Krista is able to sustain a long-term relationship with a male figure and begins to confront and resolve conflicts in her life.

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The Mind as a space to play: creating bonds within the group


Through the clinical material taken from the experience with therapeutic groups held at a Public Mental Health Service for children and adolescents in Rome, the group thought emerges as the individual play encounters, clashes and interweaves itself with the collective one, opening children’s minds to a multifaceted creativity.
The children who are involved in these groups almost always present an ego fragility, that makes them particularly anxious and defended in front of the others, the difficulties and the unexpected events, with a poor grip on reality and ability to control the impulses.
The small group offers them a place to re-model the behaviors, the relationships with others and with things in a setting where it can be possible to work on the imagination, the emotions and the encounter, looking for new ways to cope with the experience.
The imaginative play, both individual and collective, helps children to break free from the compulsory actions and vicious circles of fears.
Finally, it allows them to imagine new strategies and narrative plots in which they can play Read more


The oneiric world of women in the Grete Stern’ s photomontages


Grete Stern was a german fotoghaph ad designer. Due to her jewish origins, during Nazism she had to migrate to Argentina. In the 1948 she started a collaboration with the magazine for women  Idillio, on Buenos Aires. Her task was to represent on a photomontage the dreams of the female readers reported on the letters addressed to the Italian-argentine psychanalist Gino Germani. She looked for and created new  immages  that allow to part with real world and point out an idea of interior world. In her work she represents dreams through a special critical analysis that, at the same time, record argentine women’s  concerns of that time: she represented with humour, irony Read more