

Group analysis of those who deal with dying


To build up the trust of the participants in a group with dying patients, the therapist must make himself available as a transitional object due to the intense need for an object and the need for dependence expressed by the participants. On the other hand, the need to empathise with such strong and painful sentiments can represent a challenge for the therapist, activating powerful counter-transference reactions, such as fear of being overwhelmed, anger and negation. If the therapist knows how to deal with this delicate equilibrium, the group will be able to provide valuable aid for coming to terms with, and to integrate, the profound and ambivalent unconscious feelings evoked by Read more


A family matter (inside). Notes on group aspects in eating disorders


I’ll try to connect some of the bionian ideas about individual-group relationship to the specific manifestations of eating disorders, with regards to the fact that some of these remarks could be valid also for different pathologies. The aim of this paper is not so much to propose alternative aetiological explanations, as to stress the possibility of bringing group elements back to the individual dynamic. Though the most direct implications seem be addressed to group therapy, the stimulation is rather referred to a quality of analytic listening, in other words to a mental Read more