

Forms of institutions. Creative and Destructive Processes


This essay examines different aspects of the life of institutions. Through an analysis working on an anthropological and psychoanalytical level, contrasting yet coexisting aspects are brought to light. Beginning from an analysis of the recent film The Lobster, which describes an anguishing form of institutional Dystopia which favours conformist and destructive individual and group experiences, a comparison with those institutional forms that, on the contrary, take the shape of supportive and creative relationships is proposed. This work presents reflections on the relationships between specific emotional contexts in the psychiatric institutions, the ritual constructive and destructive behavioural aspects Read more


Getting your tutu wet: Creativity, Destructiveness and Survival


We are constantly made aware of destructiveness and hatred at the individual and organizational levels and are exhorted to recognize,  condemn and to expel such behavior or it’s manifestations in ourselves and in our societies. However it is my belief that aspects of destructiveness are inevitable in the development of creative experience and invention.  Further to this, I believe that it is those who fear and oppose the disruptiveness and possible destructiveness, which may accompany change, who are the true destroyers of creative progress, whether in the development of the personal psyche, Read more


Generations of analysts, generations of patients: non-symbolizable destructiveness in contemporary patients


This article focuses on contemporary psychological problems, given the frequent difficulties in analytic work with patients and the relevance of contemporary analytical treatments. The author gives a particular attention to destructiveness and provides a working hypothesis with patients that present a deficit in symbolization. It seems important to develop areas of psychic work not only bounded in the relationship between two subjects, but that are also widespread in the mental state of a generation or more generations. It seems also important to identify a group/state of mind that exists between different longitudinal degrees of kinship. In addition, this work takes place in an area that, I imagine, exists before, or around, the psychoanalytic treatment, even if it involves analytical thought, without which it would have no meaning. These themes are treated from the perspective of destructiveness, of desubjectification, and the difficulty of symbolization, as conditions that Read more