

Dream and families


At the sitting family or couple in principle after the dream every member associations to the dream. The final interpretation takes into account the collective work, rather it is itself the fruit of collective work. The dream interpretation considers the expression of the general shared, but must also respect diversity and unique individual defenses. In the subjectivity analytic  space of couple and family interpretation accentuates its size research and building a sense of shared and open to the contribution of other family members that play in this sense, a co-therapeutic function. However, it shall also report to individual differences, the defenses of the individual than collective and transgenerational anxiety, defense mechanisms transpersonal and the use of the other. In any case, the communication session in a dream represents a point of processing to which the family group is reached and a Read more


Dreams and Shamans in sub-Himalayan Tribal Groups


On the importance of dreams, a Shaman of the Saora tribe used to say: “I once had a teacher, an uncle of mine, a kuran (shaman) in my birinda (clan); I could easily forget everything he taught me, if I haven’t already, but I could never forget what I learned in my dreams because it’s engraved in my mind forever.” The basic task of the Shaman is to guide the tribe and keep its anxiety at bay by exorcising it. Other basic tasks are carried out by a guiding spirit. All this takes place through dreams, trance, dream-like thoughts, Read more


The fate of transference: infinite transformation of original fantasies


Understanding new forms of psychic suffering in our society, especially in the border-line states, is much more relevant if we are able to consider their conduct as being an occurrence of the primal fantasies pertaining to two orders : that of the ritual and that of the myth. Very often, the antisocial behaviour of this type of personality is misunderstood because it is not considered for what it is. It is an expression of primal fantasies, dreams and nightmares whom, when transferred in the social realm, are transfigured into rituals or into private myths. I will attempt to outline this constant transformational form, which operates in dreams, in groups, in myths but also in rituals. Since the publication of the groupal psychic apparatus according to R. Kaës, we can consider as a fact that primal fantasies Read more


Dream, group and toucht Thoughts about a dream of Didier Anzieu


The relationship between thought, the subject, the group and the dream. From a reading of a dream of  D. Anzieu given in the context of an interview and published, the author has placed emphasis on the components groupal thought that this dream appears to stage. The group is the operator required a cleavage fruitful. To think is to project the group that the subject can’t bind. The thought is marked by reports that the subject has with internal and external Read more


Supervision of institutional groups: myths and dreams


Just as the vertice of the dreamer is not the same as the one the dreamer finds himself in when he wakes up, and the vertice of the artist is not that of the interpreter of the work of art, in the same way the vertice of associations is not the same as the vertice of the psychoanalyst carrying out interpretations and the vertice of the creator of the myth is not the same as the one of the person who attempts to reformulate it, contributing to the transformations that occur in the course of institutional supervision. Viewed in this light, institutional myths become elements for the understanding of the basic functioning of the service. And if a non-rigid myth presents itself in the course of supervision, this helps professionals and the group to treat their patients. However, the discovery of a rigid myth can also sometimes give the supervisor an opportunity to make it interpretable, thereby offering it up to the understanding of the group, in an attempt to unblock it Read more


One dream for two people: dreaming in the psychoanalytic couple psychotherapy


In this paper are presented the role and functions of dreams analyzed within the couple. Elements of applied clinical triggers a reflection towards the possibility of the dream on and helping to foster the communication process within Read more