

Two dreams by Piero della Francesca


The author studies the contribution that emerges from Piero’s dream vision. He notes the relationship doctor/patient is replaced by the painter/viewer one: the dream isn’t the problem but the solution, it isn’t a puzzle that needs to be reconstructed piece by piece, but rather a global narration governed by the painter/viewer’s eye, controlled by the laws of Read more

Comments to the interview with Balbino


The interest that such an interview brings about is in comparing an interpretative system of dream that is different to the model proposed by psychoanalysis and that was initially elaborated around the clinical individual cure. The interview poses questions that we must solve using other analytical systems, such as that of group analysis or family therapy: Who dreams in the dream? How can telepathic dreams be understood, the shared and mutual dreamlike space? The practice of shaman dreams, the different traditional therapeutic practices used via the means of dream, the dreamlike journeys of the Pumé of the Andes, all these issues that have been highlighted and analysed by numerous anthropologists Read more


Experiental group and dream


The experiential group has a duration defined, a beginning and an end, known by the participants. A purpose, not therapeutic, but explicitly and programmatically “experiential”. A conductor having acquired expertise on the events – the “effects” – the unconscious, is able to perceive what is happening in the group and not only to provide “interpretations”, but also to support and facilitate the processes of communication and thought, suggesting images that promote the ability to self-representation of the group. The experiential group is then placed in an institutional framework that traces the boundaries in space and time and determines its goals: knowledge through the experience of how the mind moves in a group that has set itself the task of observing what that happens inside. Implicit in this approach, as the authors try to clarify later, the idea that the ‘”experience” is a social construct and the outcome of a process of working that involves elements of intersubjectivity and communication. Little by little, the dreams begin to appear in communications that take place during Read more


Group and women’s dreams


The paper I present to you refers in a certain way to a traditional work: the process of finding and giving sense to some recurrent dreams in long-term psychoanalytically oriented therapeutic women’s groups. But I propose to you, though not being in the specific setting, to “treat“ now these dreams in the mental attitude suggested by Gordon Lawrence in his “Social Dreaming”, almost “dreaming them again”, giving space to the echo, to our associations. As they come from the shared experience of our cultural context where our fears and desires as males and females take shape. Moreover, though relating to a “traditional” work of giving sense to dreams, the process through which the sense came to light was due to a long staying in the “negative capacity”, to the “attentive passivity” David Armstrong underlines in his contribution to “Social Dreaming”. The “attentive passivity” is always necessary in our therapeuts’ life but it has Read more


Bus as therapy group setting metaphor: Lista de Espera, a journey inside the group


Bus as therapy group setting metaphor: Lista de Espera, a journey inside the group. Abstract-This work aims to analyze the film “Lista de espera”, from the perspective of group dynamics working among the passengers of a bus station. The interest is placed on the foundation of the group and the conflict that is generated over time between participants; going through the basic assumptions we can see how it comes to teamwork in the performing stage. The film is a metaphor for what happens in a group psychotherapy, where differences become Read more


Psycho-Dynamism of dramisation in groups


The author relates the dream to a production typical of the group, the dramatic representation and tries to show the similarities and differences between the two. The author takes into consideration the thought of Anzieu (1963), who pointed out the equivalence between the small group and the dream. A group would be, in a sense, a dream dreamed by various dreamy. If we give the dream a function beyond that of satisfaction of desires processing, its reflection can get even closer comparison of the dream with the actions of a small group of psychoanalysts. The author suggests that dreams, in a group, have one of the main functions in this formalization: its function is to provide models of work and thought the group, as well as matrices for identifying its components. Spaces in which to adapt, or with whom you can establish oppositions. The dreams performing among other functions, to mediate between the production of an individual and the group. Allow it to develop models of reflection and action that can go from one form to the next myth, relatively polysemous Read more