
sogno e gruppo

Children who dream in groups


Working with a group of children borders on an oneiric experience, a tale, a cloth so complex as to make it hard to pick out the warp and woof of the dream. The group and its members rarely “relate” the dream; they tend to “dream” the dream. What follows is drawn from an experiential group of eight Read more


Fiction Film as Group Dreaming: Criteria, Interpretations


The authors describe a technique of work with some patients, that they name as film analysis, sometimes called film therapy, cinematology et al. They find the work with films most advantageous for the clients who are the inhabitants of the former Soviet Union, because in Soviet times psychological work with clients was prohibited. Their work is based on the idea that the image Read more


Traumatic representations associated with separation. Acting as dreams that can not be dreamed


The presentation deals with the reactions to the absence of a therapist. The re-enactment, triggered by the absence of a therapist, provokes an automatic response of hyper-arousal that deprives the patients of the ability to modulate and control anxiety and aggression. This enhances the probability of acting-out. An acting can be regarded as a reactive action disconnected from its emotional symbolic meaning, as a dream that can not be dreamed, a coded message of unbearable painful mental content Read more


Who dreams in the group?


The author proposes to investigate the group dimension of the dream. Shows the clinical material of a mixed group, closed, comprising six participants engaged in this approach for reasons of training or treatment, which meets once a week for two years. According to the ‘author’s interpretation of dreams is the royal road to the unconscious group, in which the work of interpretation rather to fucus of metaphors and metaphorical narratives, but it is interesting to wonder if it is possible to understand the associations Read more


Dreams and serious pathologies in the group: the Potential of the Dimension of Dreaming in the Group when Dreaming is not possible


“The group that there isn’t ” means is that from time to time with the participation of patients in that day, and also that the dismissal of someone or the entry of new patients constantly changes the composition of the group. Presence of a new group for each session, in addition to clearly delimit the ability of the individual and the group to operate significant changes introduced into the room a special quality of time: a time without history, which narrowed and simultaneously accelerated, often beyond Read more


There and back. Migrants’ dreams and myths


Such extreme crystallization of defensive experiences can be frequently observed in homogeneous communities or groups of emigrants of equal origin, too closed in themselves, anchored to surpassed habits, rituals, traditions and ideologies, clearly detached both from the reality of the place which hosts them (rejected because alien) and from the reality of the country they have left, since they maintain themselves still in time without ever evolving or transforming. The homecoming ideal thus looses its dreaming and Read more


Myth making, social transition and transformation: exploring the age of dreaming


The paper will be presented in three sections. In section 1 a working hypothesis about transition will be formulated. In section 2 illustrative material will be presented for analysis and in section 3 the social function of dreaming in Read more