

A path of family violence: from the family of origin to the adoptive family. The story of Akos


This piece of work illustrates how adoptive paths are often transformed into difficult and painful situations as the history of the family of origin of the adoptive child is unacknowledged and the traumatic situation that is often at the origin of the request for adoption is underestimated. As Alberto Eiguer states when he speaks of the unconscious reasons that can structure the request for adoption in the couple. “…They dream of finding a child who has lived a difficult situation in order to save him, but ignore the fact that they are reacting according to the trans-generational history of their family: abandonment and maltreatment could have been a past family reality.” (Eiguer, 2007). The adoption of Akos is inserted in a history of unknown violence, where maltreatment, abuse and abandonment are the only words which appear in the meagre/poor and superficial biography Read more


The family body in exile. Ritual value of everyday life


Exile constitutes a risk factor that is magnified when a subject or family is especially vulnerable, and the extreme conditions under which people have emigrated in recent years heightens this vulnerability. The author considers situations in which not only one family member demonstrates malaise at the psychic or somatic level, but where strong distress is expressed by everyone, both parents and children. The transcultural clinic, whether it operates in a social, psychological or healthcare field, requires tools in order to recognise, Read more


The psychoanalytic approach of the baby observation in the family, what does it provide to the group?


The author explains why the observation of the newborn in the family, according to the method of Esther Bick, represents a resource for associative work and the group psychoanalysis.
It first illustrates the different types of observation and then he situates this procedure alongside a subjectivizing process and recalls the important role of observation in the institutional clinic.
The author then presentes this particular analytic formation, which follows the Read more


Presentation “Family, group and psychoanalysis”

This issue is the second part of a first one, edited one year ago and named “Baby observation and analytic presence”. Our path has therefore started from the silent, not judging neither interpreting reflection about a new-born and its care context and now instead tries to analyse the possibilities of an active therapeutic work with the family group.
In the first issue we wondered indeed what the baby observation could teach to an analyst in training. Doing so, we particularly emphasized that this path puts the observer in direct contact with archaic psychic quotas that always remain active in the psyche and that should never be forgotten by the analyst, even when he is working with adults. We now notice that the psychological configuration of the family that is experienced “in construction” in the baby observation, remains central in the therapeutic work with families as well. Indeed, as and more than the observation, the psychoanalytic therapeutic work with the family group allows to reach and understand the original psychic structure on which the family is based and within which the children individualities are structured.
The family group is a complex system, made up of many different levels and subgroups (the same with which the baby observation allows contact). Part of the family group is, in fact, the parental couple, which originally was the conjugal couple and which is still affected by the psychic mode and history of both members; also the couple or the subgroup of the siblings, as well as the couples formed by each of the two parents with each child. Read more


Family field therapy: from the dialogue between generations of therapists to that with contemporary patients. A clinical research project on therapy for individuals and their transgenerational family field


This text is dedicated to research on the setting and therapy provided by a research team that worked on the relationship between the extended family mind and the individual, where the former becomes an ectopic storage space for the individual’s content. The team acts as a container for issues that the individuals of the family group Read more


From broken restrictions to new and vital experiences in therapy: from perverse communication to the discovery and identification of the affected’s world


This work of proposed family therapy started from the consideration that the model of individual psychoanalysis had not brought any of the family members to retrieve inside themselves and that in the field of group communication, there were no significant results.
A group reading with a literal sense of group was needed. Individuals unconsciously and anonymously represented conflicts and trans-generational family myths.
The basic assumption seemed to embody what Bion calls basic assumption of dependence.
The family was one person.
The stories of the father and the mother reintroduced same experiences.
The female was, in previous generations the guiding and sadist element who reigned. The mothers and grandmothers had raised sons and husbands.
The totally absent analyst, has functioned as a container, put themselves in a patient’sshoes and has developed and proposed a model of Read more


Dream and families


At the sitting family or couple in principle after the dream every member associations to the dream. The final interpretation takes into account the collective work, rather it is itself the fruit of collective work. The dream interpretation considers the expression of the general shared, but must also respect diversity and unique individual defenses. In the subjectivity analytic  space of couple and family interpretation accentuates its size research and building a sense of shared and open to the contribution of other family members that play in this sense, a co-therapeutic function. However, it shall also report to individual differences, the defenses of the individual than collective and transgenerational anxiety, defense mechanisms transpersonal and the use of the other. In any case, the communication session in a dream represents a point of processing to which the family group is reached and a Read more


Anorexia as a Symbol of an Empty Matrix Dominated by the Dragon Mother


This paper reports the author’s understanding of anorexia reached through her clinical work and using Jungian as well as group-analytic concepts. Examples of individual, family and group work are given and they constitute facets of an overall picture of devouring hunger against the background of a depleted Read more