

Adolescents and smartphones in art-therapy laboratory


This article deals with a group psychotherapy with adolescents in the particular context of an art-therapy laboratory. It aims to describe new possible settings with adolescents and demonstrate how new elements like smartphones can be used as a creative means in a therapeutic relation, just like it is possible to use drawing or Read more


Good enough therapists

We are aware that the subject is born and develops in relation to others, both in case of an healthy functioning and in mental illness. From this perspective, the role of the therapist is not limited to his technical work, but also to his taking into account the needs of the patient and to succeeding, starting from this, to promote a new healthy mental development. Various factors of the personality of the therapist come to the fore when working with severe patients, such as the adequate transparency, the Multifamily Read more


Separately or together? Homogeneous or heterogeneous groups in the context of countertransference. A commentary on the paper by Maciej Zbyszewski entitled “War Trauma Dialectic”

This article is a commentary on the paper by Maciej Zbyszewski concerning his work with soldiers who returning from war missions. My work with Holocaust survivors and consequences of working with homogeneous groups are discussed in the context of war trauma. In my opinion therapeutic group Read more

Group therapy in a mentally disabled population: from contraindication to specificity


It is impossible to speak about group therapy or group in the optic of mental disability without considering the therapeutic context into which these activities are inserted. The Geneva canton decided and this as far back as the seventies to dedicate a specific psychiatric care for the intellectually disabled, when needed. Parallel to this, thanks to the family associations possessing a specific political will, have developed living and working environments, where activities are both occupational or leisurely, and which following a “built to fit” measure have tried to meet the different needs of this extremely diverse population. Therefore in Geneva, parallel to our unit, there Read more


How Foulkesian was Bion?


If we want to enrich our ideas, we must study the problems of holding together caring and hating, the individual and the social. We each need to face the difficult emotional significance of the issues of group therapy, and group life. We need to remember it is an easy option to go for one position or the other. We do that for comfort rather than for truth. We need to establish the tension as a creative one. If influences that drove Bion and Foulkes, and their followers, towards polarised positions are valid, it is important for us now to understand how we each position ourselves. If we are to follow Malcolm’s initial plan of ‘ongoing dialogues between Foulkesian and other group-as-a-whole approaches’, we Read more


Historical Introduction to Group therapy in the treatment of anorexic- bulimic disorders


The history of homogeneous groups is presented, since they were first created in USA at the beginning of ‘900 until they were realized as a psychoanalitical thought of group, by Bion and Foulkes in Europe. The homogeneous group with anorexic patients and its organization is also Read more