

Adolescent group, institution and virtual world: the negotiation of boundaries


In this paper the authors propose a reflection on how digital era has changed the communication and relationships among adolescents. The focus is placed on how the unlimited possibilities offered by the virtual world can rinforce the omnipotence of adolescence. The information and communication technologies (ICT) allow the adolescents to reduce the face to face confrontation and to replace the direct experience with a mediated perception. The purpose of this study is to explore how the new “rules” of the virtual world collude with Read more


A group-analytic model to create a personal and social dynamic identity


A group-analytic model to create a personal and social dynamic identity.
Identity needs time to build up, to learn flexibility and adaptability while maintaining a sense of self-consistence,a time difficult to find in contemporary society dominated by expectation of “everything at once” We, as psychoanalysts, can help to restart the time in all its articulations from what Pontalis (1997) calledFifth seasonan evoking Read more


Multifamily Psychoanalysis

AbstractIn this short article, the author proposes a reflection about the essence of Multifamily Psychoanalysis: examining what happens between people, in particular between two or more people that experience a symbiotic bound, to see if it is possible to introduce changes. Through a clinical example, Read more


Therapeutic group as a laboratory of freedom of expression


This contribution is inspired by the experience of conducting a therapeutic group for adult patients within a medium security psychiatric community in Milan. Using some session excerpts, a close connection is established between affirmation of identity of individuals and the group, along with freedom of expression, as the Read more


Psychoanalysis and Aesthetics: Re-signifying psychotic conflicts and creative reciprocity


Inspiration sources that inhabit the universes of Aesthetics and Psychoanalysis are used to construct mental models viewing to approach emotional conflicts linked to psychotic levels. The clinical presentation is made through emotional photograms. Movements of the analytical couple are studied related to the function for re-signifying psychotic blockages and so to restate the analytical dialogue and to promote creative reciprocity, as basis to Read more


Reality and fiction for the therapeutic couple

Article already published in the Notebook n. 14 – July-December 2001 of the Institute of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy of Milan edited by the Pisa-Rome International Polygraphic Institutes


The necessity to have a precise time and a limited place where the group processes could take place, is a fundamental requirement for the survival of the group. This is to say that a stable setting with clear limited space must to be respected and offered to the group and to the therapeuthic couple’s mind. The group allows some important dynamic movements for the adolescent, allowing the displacement of the infantile unsolved dependence conflicts in regard to their parents on the group of peers. This permits the working-through of the object-relationships in function with the relationships connected with actual experiences and unsolved conflicts Read more


Agoraphobia is feminine? Some reflections on the relationship between the agoraphobic syndrome and femininity


The more recent psychoanalytic conceptualizations, relating to the genesis of agoraphobia, have increasingly illuminated – going beyond the Oedipal contribution of Freudian memory – the serious structural deficits of the ego, the presence, therefore, of that “emptiness” in the basic structure as the real nucleus problem (Milrod, 2007; Cartwright, 2006, La Scala, 2010).
These theories contribute to validate the reading of the agoraphobic syndrome as a defense against anxieties triggered by “separateness” and as “pathology of identity and of the limit”. From this perspective, in this article we focus in particular on the relationship between agoraphobia and female identity. The process of building a sense of self as a separate Read more


The father elsewhere. Commentary on the movie: “Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles”


The article offers the opportunity to consider the loss and recovery of the paternal function in a culture that is different from ours, as well as to reflect upon contrasting and similar aspects. As far as the latter are concerned, in the movie the paternal function meets the child’s need for a reference point outside of his relationship with his mother, someone who can understand and tolerate the negative feelings that build up at the moment of separation from her. The father appears in his new function if he manages to stay there without having a boomerang reaction. When this happens the child can then accept a group, after both the maternal and the paternal function have proved they are present. We cannot but agree, even from our “western” viewpoint. However, the movie also describes the recovery of the Japanese father’s paternal function through a course in which the father starts over from point zero, where he symbolically Read more


The Time of Kali: Violence between Religious Groups in India


The author focuses on the theme of violence between Hindus and Muslims in India in great depth and detail. He conducts an analysis of the phenomena by integrating various points of view: religious, historical, social, economic and psychological. He closely examines the psychological reasons that are the base of the conflicting relationships between the two different religious groups and does so from a psychoanalytical angle. He lays out the projective and fantasmatic processes that define the image of Read more


From Trauma to Memory The “internal group” of origin and belonging in migrant children


The intertwining between identity and memory in young underage immigrants is examined through a series of sessions that took place in a Welcome Centre. In the specific situation that involves children occupied in a migratory transit, the construction of the individual memory finds itself engaged on two fronts, as it implies not only a (re)construction of the individual past but also the struggle for a position in an internal “group”. It is along these edges that migrant children find particular difficulties that can be deeply observed, underneath superficial levels of good “integration”, using relational and conceptual tools that are able to give back, also inside an ethnographic enquiry, the constitutive complexity of identity plots and their intimate bond with multiplicity ad alterity. A methodology of encounter where psychoanalytic listening intertwines with anthropological gazing. Migration calls inevitably and immediately into question the cultural constitution of the individual psyche that is critically discussed in the work and illustrated through striking life stories.The question of belonging and of the “origin” becomes, for the migrant children of the so-called second “generation”, an area of constant interrogation, because they have to rapidly face the necessity of building a sense of identity and belonging along Read more


Genius Loci: The Spirit of a Place, the Spirit of a Group


The author divided the discussion is divided in three parts. The first, which is very synthetic, will cover some of Bion’s theories as regards “Work Group Mentality”, “Basic Assumptions Group Mentality”, and their respective leaders. In the second he introduced J. Bleger’s “Syncretic Sociality” concept, which introduces a third type of “Group Mentality” different from the one developed by Bion’s theory. The third part, which is the longest, is dedicated to the role of the Genius Loci. The Genius Loci is not a leader, like the Work Group mentality leader or the basic assumptions group mentality leader. However, it performs some important functions for the social and mental life of a Read more