
Oblivion. The value of the negative in psychotherapy between C.G. Jung and W. R. Bion


The article attempts to trace a possible path through the writings of two great psychotherapists: C. G. Jung and W. R. Bion, starting from the value given by both to the term “oblivion” in therapeutic practice. The initial assumption refers to the thought of L. Wittgenstein and states that one cannot ignore an ethical consideration in examining their ideas. Starting from this starting point, some themes of current psychotherapy are taken into consideration in order to connect them to the Bionian Read more

sogno e gruppo

An Image Mediator in a Dream Mediator within a Group


The image as a mediator in individual therapy and in group sessions provides the occasion to mobilise the primary process of the unconscious, in a movement of regression necessary to any initial visualisation. Starting with this type of visualisation, it is possible to reach an authentic process of symbolisation. By “symbolisation”, I mean the process of connecting primary and secondary processes through “tertiary (intermediary) processes”, as André Green has defined them. Thinking in images favours this liaison through the use of a mediating image which condenses within itself the image of the subject and of the group.  Some images presented in the group exemplify Read more


Fiction Film as Group Dreaming: Criteria, Interpretations


The authors describe a technique of work with some patients, that they name as film analysis, sometimes called film therapy, cinematology et al. They find the work with films most advantageous for the clients who are the inhabitants of the former Soviet Union, because in Soviet times psychological work with clients was prohibited. Their work is based on the idea that the image Read more


Bulimic images. Interpersonal rereading of a dynamic of a Photolangage© group


The Photolangage revealed to be an instrument able to stimulate a dialogue among people closed up in the silence of their own experience.Preceding studies and clinical experiences demonstrated its strength in providing a container for the emotions emerging in group paths.This important feature of it permitted us to use the instrument respecting its own rules, experiencing a “new pair of glasses” to read its dynamics: the psychoanalytic interpersonal pattern. Listening to the world of images means listening to elementary sensations they cause “in the here and now” giving voice to the contents of one’s own experience. The photo images and the following comments are, for us interpersonalists, the metaphor of the relation which works between the therapist (parental figure) and the group participants (children). The therapist plays the role which is attributed to him/her in the participants’ phantasies , but recording what is said about the images Read more


Research on the gender in the composition of a workshop of photography for schizophrenics, its role in the therapeutic efficiency


The present research studies the effects of the gender, in a workshop of expression of a photolanguage type within schizophrenic adults. The initial question was the one of a possible influence of the composition of the groups of therapy, in terms of gender, during the observed processes What is the incidence of the distribution of gender on the Read more


The oneiric world of women in the Grete Stern’ s photomontages


Grete Stern was a german fotoghaph ad designer. Due to her jewish origins, during Nazism she had to migrate to Argentina. In the 1948 she started a collaboration with the magazine for women  Idillio, on Buenos Aires. Her task was to represent on a photomontage the dreams of the female readers reported on the letters addressed to the Italian-argentine psychanalist Gino Germani. She looked for and created new  immages  that allow to part with real world and point out an idea of interior world. In her work she represents dreams through a special critical analysis that, at the same time, record argentine women’s  concerns of that time: she represented with humour, irony Read more