

Bion & Gould


Bion and Gould’s thought, respectively in psychoanalysis and music, shows significant and interesting concordance.
Both men are considered mystics, in the sense of supporters of highly innovative ideas (messianic),namely for their ability  to approach  the “truth”  and to  influence culture and the establishment in a revolutionary manner.
They favour the rule of improvisation, thanks to which the transition from a formal/executive functionto a creative one is carried  out. The technique, in turn, should never be separated  from the content outside logical awareness: by focusing on both aspects simultaneously, a new point of view may arise.  Yet, the technique should Read more


FOR PLEASURE. A sound/musical associative process

Abstract: This text reflects a very special group experience, centered on sound, music, relationship, in a functioning of free association. It focuses on musical practice and its pleasure, in groups. This experience, still relevant, has actually lasted for 17 years, she questions what “holds” such a group. The reflection also focuses on the transition from physique pleasure to spiritual pleasure, and on the resonance, in the sound, from below to beyond language. Read more