
Oblivion. The value of the negative in psychotherapy between C.G. Jung and W. R. Bion


The article attempts to trace a possible path through the writings of two great psychotherapists: C. G. Jung and W. R. Bion, starting from the value given by both to the term “oblivion” in therapeutic practice. The initial assumption refers to the thought of L. Wittgenstein and states that one cannot ignore an ethical consideration in examining their ideas. Starting from this starting point, some themes of current psychotherapy are taken into consideration in order to connect them to the Bionian Read more


Passing from Babel to Pentecost


Meeting in Babel: it’s the meeting taking place today with people for whom the spoken language is not about sharing, but a presumed barrier to communication, where a pain is found which doesn’t have the right to be thought about nor communicated. Where a Pentecost must be launched: a meeting where, as in the famous tale of the Acts of the Apostles, everybody can understand each other beyond different languages. The present article expands on a work published in the text Lavorare con il gruppo specializzato. Teoria e clinica, edited by M. Curi Novelli. The article addresses the issue of the therapy with a group of political refugees, focusing especially on language. The experience of being “emigrants” – having left their homeland – and “immigrants” – having arrived in a new land – arouses a question: in what language can all this be narrated?And what happens when a new linguistic code enters a pre-existing associative network?

Cultural mediators are important co-actors of our profession which, in the third millenium, has to face a large part of the population which doesn’t recognize our a role and doesn’t understand the aim of our work. They are afraid of us and we are the first to be Read more


Psycho-Dynamism of dramisation in groups


The author relates the dream to a production typical of the group, the dramatic representation and tries to show the similarities and differences between the two. The author takes into consideration the thought of Anzieu (1963), who pointed out the equivalence between the small group and the dream. A group would be, in a sense, a dream dreamed by various dreamy. If we give the dream a function beyond that of satisfaction of desires processing, its reflection can get even closer comparison of the dream with the actions of a small group of psychoanalysts. The author suggests that dreams, in a group, have one of the main functions in this formalization: its function is to provide models of work and thought the group, as well as matrices for identifying its components. Spaces in which to adapt, or with whom you can establish oppositions. The dreams performing among other functions, to mediate between the production of an individual and the group. Allow it to develop models of reflection and action that can go from one form to the next myth, relatively polysemous Read more