

Social violence and migration: the emergence of traumatic traces in a Photolangage® group


In a context of social violence and great precariousness, contemporary migratory flows call into question our care devices and in particular the individual setting. The issue regarding potential traumas due to forced migration put us in front of the complexity of the clinical picture in a transcultural context. Through an original device based on the use of image mediation in a group of asylum seekers, we will try to show how the use of group therapy, on the one hand, and photographic mediation, on the other, can give a Read more


Research on the gender in the composition of a workshop of photography for schizophrenics, its role in the therapeutic efficiency


The present research studies the effects of the gender, in a workshop of expression of a photolanguage type within schizophrenic adults. The initial question was the one of a possible influence of the composition of the groups of therapy, in terms of gender, during the observed processes What is the incidence of the distribution of gender on the Read more