

The primal scene, the analytically oriented group and the Oedipal configurations


This paper aims to highlight how the changes in social contexts have potentially modified the fantasies and the experiences related to the primal scene and to the oedipal configurations, shrinking the space available to imagination and to the processes of subjectivation, ensuing the risk of negative aftereffects both on the subject and on his approaches to relationships. The author maintains that the analytically oriented group can be the place where the recovery Read more


The Dionysiac in the network and Intrapsychic Experiences with pre-adolescent psychoanalytic groups


The work deals with the issue of the relationship between experiences, which take shape in the psychic experience of pre-adolescent groups, conducted according to a psychoanalytic model that is inspired by Bionian conceptualizations and subsequent formulations by Corrao and, as regards age psychoanalysis evolutionary, by Anna Baruzzi, and their relationship with the stresses that come from the current social reality. The resonances in the group of contemporary mythologies Read more