

Therapeutic community: a complex treatment model. The identity of institutions and the subjects of therapy


The paper means to repropose Therapeutic Community importance and adequacy as treatment process and therapeutic Method. An intensive treatment process to those people who have clinical and existential situations of a certain seriousness and complexity, wich can not find a result so articulated in other treatment contexts and methods. We describe the characteristic of treatment model and therapeutic community professional operative organisation so that this very specialistic offer does not lose its own Identity, risking to devaluate both clinic and treatment Subjects. Assessment, clinical decision, treatment guidelines and clinical Research, when they are based on the experience of a therapeutic Model highly professional actually tested during the time as for Therapeutic Community one, Read more


Reflections on supervising groups of HIV positive patients with personality disorders


This paper is a critical reflection on the supervision of two groups of HIV positive patients with personality disorders for the duration of five years. The patients all suffered from personality disorders of various degrees, and they had became HIV infected through drug abuse or heterosexual or homosexual contact. The groups met twice a week for an hour and a quarter in the San Luigi Centre at the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan. They were open groups of men and women, counting eight participants in each Read more