

Juno, Claire, Camille: How cinema recounts the experience of pregnancy in adolescents


The paper proposes, through the analysis of three films, “Juno”, “Brodeuses” (The embroiderers) and “17 girls”, some reflections on the difficulties of the encounters of adolescents with their own generating capacity. The pregnancies arise from profoundly different contexts and deals with the uncomfortable relationship in becoming a woman that seems to be connected with the difficulties encountered in connection with a mother experienced as unable to fulfil a supporting role.
Motherhood is seen in some cases as an attempt to get out of this difficultly entwined relationship full of strongly felt unresolved problems and unsatisfied needs in which the pregnancies are called upon to fill, in others, a difficulty of representation in the somatic psychic is expressed. This aspect shows the difficulty of facing the changes in ones own body and its new potential, which are tested on the unconscious level during pregnancy.
The films also speak of the difficulty encountered in the becoming of women and mothers when the fathers are fleeing from their function of separating elements of the mother daughter couple Read more


«Precious pregnancy»: The bodily and emotional perceptions of pregnant women through a qualitative study of their drawings


In this work a clinical experience using the drawings on the bodily and emotional perceptions during pregnancy is presented. These drawings have been produced by pregnant women attending the Preparation to Birth Courses in a Family Planning Service of Rome. Starting from a screening of over 200 drawings collected during two years, a qualitative comparison has been made among the drawings of those pregnant women not having, to the anamnesis, previous problem pregnancy, and the drawings of those pregnant women whose pregnancy arrived after a series of difficulty (repeated abortions and/or fertility treatments). Our discussion focuses on the importance to gather some indicators of disease about the bodily and emotional perceptions during pregnancy, with the aim to plan specific clinical interventions supporting the transition to parenthood.

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Post-partum depression: A clinical experience with a group of women


In this contribution the complexity of the clinical picture of post-partum depression will be brought to light, which connects to the deep psychological dynamics experienced by women during the gestation and birth of the child. Starting with some reflections which arose from within a clinical journey of a group of women who suffer from this psychopathology, it highlights how the woman’s pregnancy is a time when childhood conflicts re-emerge, and on the basis of personal experiences with her own mother, Read more


A ten moons journey: Women groups and birth support


Today women are more and more exposed to a stressed way of managing their pregnancy and to a cultural contest dominated by birth fear and by the expectations for the newborn health.
These fears dominate many pregnant women’s brain and emotions causing a rising in the stress hormone production.
This causes a chronic stress that is rarely recognized and that can even provoke pregnancy pathologies (like an intrauterine growth retardation) so that the Read more