

Primary narcissism or original narcissism :how narcissism works among groups


In this article, the author relying on the experience of group psychotherapy and group training, tries to go beyond the understanding of the two Freudian concepts of primary narcissism.
The group situation introduces a formal regression, where the imagination takes her hand, because it causes a transference as the one operating in the dream, which changes the relationship between primary narcissism and secondary narcissism, since it changes Read more


Primary narcissism and the group


Beginning with the question : how it turns to become the imaginary “group” unit? the author compares and brings into discussion some postulations derived by the same question in S. Freud, W. Bion, J. Bleger, D. Anzieu, A. Missenard, R. Kaes. She proposes that between narcissistic primary groupality – this means the psychological unit formed by the mother and the baby – and the Ego, object found-created by anaclisis in that other, exists a link in several ways. On one hand, both structures are indistinguishable in the point where they converge and confuse, on the other hand the first one is revealed metaphorically inside the Ego that modulates over it. Finally, narcissistic primary groupality is the negative of the Ego, that what the Ego had to lose-leave to be. From there it is taken that the group is for the Ego what it will never stop to intend recovering and that “make group” or “make one group” is first in the desire of each one, to be a group and to make coincidence borders from the Ego and Read more