

Group Oedipus and primary scene. Insertions and contaminations between virtual and archaic

The author revisits the Oedipus in its complex and group dimension, and the possible saturating and inhibiting effects of grafting the virtual into the imaginary dimension of the primary scene. The idea of ​​the family as protective container isolated from the social is only an idealization of the child and of the first Freud, who however later perceives the group aspects of the Oedipus and considers the primary scene to be an original phantoms that mediates between history and structure. The group aspects of the Oedipus are revisited through the conceptions of Bion and Bollas, while the concept of primary scene is extended to the concept of emotional Read more


The Dionysiac in the network and Intrapsychic Experiences with pre-adolescent psychoanalytic groups


The work deals with the issue of the relationship between experiences, which take shape in the psychic experience of pre-adolescent groups, conducted according to a psychoanalytic model that is inspired by Bionian conceptualizations and subsequent formulations by Corrao and, as regards age psychoanalysis evolutionary, by Anna Baruzzi, and their relationship with the stresses that come from the current social reality. The resonances in the group of contemporary mythologies Read more