

The skin screams what my voice cannot express


The skin as the first image of ourselves, the first contact with the outside world and with our mother, is a privileged organ in relational life.

It reveals what is going on inside us, as it is a visible organ that blushes, pales, sweats, freezes, etc. It represents the organ of touch, harbinger of sensations of vital importance. The skin, mirror of our soul and our feelings, is a kind of maternal Read more


The body between metapsychology and mentalization. Lines of research in psychoanalysis, after Freud


The authors reconstruct the question of the body in Freudian writings, indicating its multiple theoretical and clinical aspects, and highlighting its conceptual complexity through the various phases of evolution of psychoanalytic discovery, from the origins, with hysteria, to the silent manifestations of the dead drive: extreme vertices of the Freudian research path which, on the body, has indicated articulated elements of reflection and without a univocal and concluded systematization. In the multiplicity of theoretical guidelines issued from Freudian cues, the conceptual prevalence of the “economic” Read more


From soma to psyche. The journey of the Sapiens

Abstract – for all contributions

Ferrari’s psychoanalytic hypothesis is based on the idea that the mind acquires the drive for its own evolution from the body. From this approach also derives the idea that disharmonious balances can be created between the components of the individual system, especially between the body dimension and the psychic dimension, which are in mutual relation, and sometimes also that a rediscovered balance of the body can help a path of recovery in states of mental suffering. The experience that Fausta Romano has been developing for some time, searching for practices that can accompany the path between analyst and analysand Read more


Balint groups: place and space of knowledge of the sickness as experienced in the operator-patient relationship


This article contains insights and considerations by the author on Balint groups, and especially on the therapeutic relationship between the operator and patient.
In the group, the doctor uses himself as a “drug” and while the speaker speaks of a clinical case experience, relives this story in the hic et nunc .
The group leader and therefore observe the countertransference of the speakerand therefore the group  Read more