

Biopsychosocial approach to pain


The Author deals with the issue of subjective pain and correlates it with several factors, investigated by the biopsychosocial model according to various perspectives that interact with each other. Read more


La funcion por hacer (commedia da fare). The funcion to do

Madness has long been in search of the context of the Group of Multifamily Psychoanalysis, in which to represent its stories and the types of relationships that led to it. In the Group, operators share the same fate, and to their research work, through the development of self-knowledge, and through Read more


Infantile anorexia and the child-caregiver relationship: an empirical study on attachment patterns


This study has the following aims: 1. To point out a higher rate of insecure and/or disorganized attachment patterns in the mother-child dyads with a diagnosis of infantile anorexia, as compared to a control group; 2. To show a concordance with respect to security/insecurity between the mother’s and the child’s attachment Read more