

The fairy tale as an observation instrument: the psychologist gets into the class


Bringing fairly tale  in the classroom, in a setting clearly discussed with the teacher providing for the reading of the text, the time of the conversation with children (including the proposal after each intervention to draw what has affected them more) , the defined time for discussion with the teacher present during the work, to  participate to what happened, allows us to do a deep observation of the dynamics pertaining to the group, particularly to identify children in need of listening, and reflect on  the typical style of the  Read more

sogno e gruppo

Children who dream in groups


Working with a group of children borders on an oneiric experience, a tale, a cloth so complex as to make it hard to pick out the warp and woof of the dream. The group and its members rarely “relate” the dream; they tend to “dream” the dream. What follows is drawn from an experiential group of eight Read more