



In this presentation I briefly tell the story of this volume and the problems encountered, to describe the difficult situation that the group psychodynamic therapy with children is living, in our country and in Europe, due to multiple factors related to the social and cultural crisis that we are facing.

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Supervision and the Working group


This paper, based on the most modern theories regarding evaluation and treatment of acute psychiatric crises, proposes a reflection on the sense of supervision in the acute inpatient ward (SPDC). Moreover, the current issues concerning psychiatry and drug therapy, have prompted the need to examine the approach based on the principles of Recovery, the Dialogic Model of communication with patients and the developments made in the field of Multi-family Group Psychoanalysis. Thus, bearing in mind the acute inpatient ward  mandate, an attempt will be offered to refocus the function of “diagnosis and treatment” of all ward operators as a working group. We have pondered the question of how supervision can free itself from the idea of only one “expert” analyzing the patient and passing on the resulting information. Not only, we have also considered whether the supervisor’s role could catalyze and bring to light the capabilities of the working group in detecting the existential condition of Read more


The adult and the group in the years of growth


Today’s clinical, the undetermined of the contemporaneous aspects, for example what we call the borderline cases or the whole cohort of the depressive, maybe have to be considered like the symptom of a society without projects, without hope, if not for an immediate satisfaction. The emotion we have is that often the metaphoric function of words is scraped out and the function of images dominates. Nevertheless we don’t have to forget that each person approaches imaginative shapes of symbolization before approaching verbal shapes. We should also consider the family’s role and the one of the new families the one of the subjective consequences of the progressive disappearance of the father’s symbolic function. This function has been regained in an authoritative manner from the society and it’s Read more


Group Field in the Subjective Adolescent Constitution


In puberty-adolescence, the group allows and favours in the adolescent the pathway towards subjectivation, transmitting a feeling of social belonging through the use of games of reciprocal identifications. At the end of this process, the adolescent may think similarly, but at the same time differently, to the other members of the group, who are travel companions in the fundamental step from endogamy to exogamy. This transition guarantees the existence of cultural order which forms the basis of the social discussion and collectivity Read more


Dream, group and toucht Thoughts about a dream of Didier Anzieu


The relationship between thought, the subject, the group and the dream. From a reading of a dream of  D. Anzieu given in the context of an interview and published, the author has placed emphasis on the components groupal thought that this dream appears to stage. The group is the operator required a cleavage fruitful. To think is to project the group that the subject can’t bind. The thought is marked by reports that the subject has with internal and external Read more